

文献对工作者的教育及其对做出决策、实践的责任、以及功能评价的影响的评价是不确定的,在非社会工作和非儿童福利教育工作者的对比中,专业的儿童福利教育队伍(如Title IV-E)和受社会工作教育的工人在服务提供和决策上进行更积极地干预。很少有研究评估教育与儿童或家庭结局之间的直接关系。研究这一关系的研究不显示员工教育和永久规划的评估(Albers,1993)、服务交付(Olsen & Holmes,1982)、使用基于实力的惯例(Douglas,2014)、服务用户满意度(Staudt,2015)以及青少年外部化行为(Cheung, Goodman, Leckie, & Jenkins, 2011)。

3.2 培训

人们普遍认为,持续的培训对儿童福利工作者的发展至关重要(Poso & Forsman, 2013)。文学的训练主体是描述性的,很少有研究将训练的类型、数量和质量与有效的实践联系起来。在训练中,我们发现了影响态度,价值观,以及对技能的信心,学习的转变是将新知识与实践联系起来的关键。Antle, Barbee, van, and Zyl,2008发现员工的即时知识获取和学习准备预示着知识向实践的转移。与经验丰富的员工相比,经验不足的员工需要更多的同行和监督支持。研究发现,具有积极学习态度的管理者与态度消极的主管相比,新培训的员工得到的支持要多得多。同样,如果没有组织的支持,培训获得的知识可能会丢失(Futris, Schramm, Richardson, &Lee, 2015)。

培训可能在员工留任方面发挥作用(Barbee et al., 2009; Mason, LaPorte, Bronstein, & Auerbach, 2012)。发现训练和强化新技能的结合增加了学习能力的转移,对自我效能产生了积极影响,这与在组织中保持的关系密切相关(Yankeelov, Barbee, Sullivan, & Antle, 2009)。Liu and Smith (2011) 发现在儿童福利中学习和实施新技能的持续渴望与监督支持、同事学习文化和组织氛围的感知有关。因此,各种组织因素可能在知识向实践的转移中发挥作用。


有经验的儿童福利工作者被认为比经验较少的工作者为儿童和他们的家庭提供更有效的服务(Munro, 2011)。这一假设的证据基础都是被矛盾的发现所削弱和削弱的,与经验较少的员工相比,经验丰富的员工对家庭保护的态度更为强烈。相反地,Davidson-Arad and Benbenishty (2016) 研究发现,在多年的工作经验和工人对儿童福利制度问题的态度以及他们所做的决定之间没有显著差异。同样,工作经验也没有预测到就业决策或风险评估。一项拥有前瞻性研究的作者发现,两者之间没有区别。然而,与经验丰富的员工相比,经验不足的员工更有可能按照他们最初的评估行事,把孩子安排在家外看护(Davidson-Arad, Englechin-Segal, Wozner, & Gabriel, 2003)。重要的是,这项研究表明,多年的经验不一定会影响儿童福利工作者的评估,但可能会影响儿童福利工作者对评估和决策过程的反应。



Abstract:A child welfare system is responsible for making difficult decisions. Child welfare workers are charged with assessing and determining when a child is in need of protection, including when it is necessary to intervene on behalf of children when their caregivers’ abilities and/or situation is deemed to put them at risk of abuse or neglect. Although the child welfare workforce in Ontario attended to an estimated 125,281 child maltreatment investigations in 2013, little is known about the skills, education, and experiences of these investigating workers. Notwithstanding assumptions about the qualifications and characteristics necessary for effective child welfare practice, few studies explicitly link the specific characteristics of workers to children, youth, and families achieving positive case outcomes. These assumptions have been shaped by a multitude of factors including knowledge of human resources, professional standards, and educational requriements. This study examined data from five cycles over twenty years of Ontario Incidence Studies (-1993, -1998, -2003, -2008, -2013) to provide a profile of child welfare workers. This is the first study to examine the changing profile of child welfare workers in any province in Canada and provides a foundation for developing effective recruitment and professional development strategies, and promoting a positive work environment. Policy and practice implications for the changing needs of these families are discussed.