
二、研究的基本内容和拟解决的主要问题 This paper will provide an understanding from three aspects based on a sensitive topic by illustrating Blanche’s identity as a doppelganger of


This paper will provide an understanding from three aspects based on a sensitive topic by illustrating Blanche’s identity as a doppelganger of homosexuality, which will attempt to enrich the social significance of the right attitude towards vulnerable groups from Blanche’s tragedy in an era of uproar against homosexuality.

The Outline of the Paper:

1. Introduction

2. The Invisible Doppelganger

2.1 The Doppelganger’s Appearance in Blanche’s lines

2.1.1 Blanche’s opinion of Stanley

2.1.2 The Extended Meaning of “Straight”

2.2 The Doppelganger’s Appearance in Blanche’s Behaviors

2.2.1 Blanche’s Fear of Darkness

2.2.2 Blanche’s Favor of Young Boys

2.2.3 Blanche’s Fondness of White

3. The Self-redemption of the Doppelganger

3.1 Blanche’s Memory of Alan

3.1.1 The Impact of Alan’s Suicide

3.1.2 The Impact of “Varsouviana”

3.2 Blanche’s Degradation of herself

3.2.1 Stanley’s Investigation

3.2.2 Blanche’s Three Narrations

4. Prevention of Tragedy

4.1 Blanche’s tragedy

4.1.1 Stanley’s rape

4.1.2 Social Cruelty

4.2 Humanistic Concern

4.2.1 Social Inclusion

4.2.2 A Correct Attitude toward Vulnerable Groups

5. Conclusion


1. Close reading

As reading is the fundamental and important way of studying literature, I will first skim through the whole play and get its plot overview. Then I will read it carefully and intensively by paying more attention to those characters’ lines and behaviors that are related to my topic.

2. Documentary research method

In order to get more specific information about my topic, I will collect related professional books, articles and journals abroad and at home. Thus, I am able to get a much more clearer picture of what I am going to do.


序号 时间 内容

1 2015年10月30日前 论文选题

2 2015年11月15日前 下达任务书

3 2015年12月15日前 开题报告

4 2016年1月1日始 撰写论文

5 2016年3月1日-15日 中期检查

6 2016年3月30日前 上交论文及答辩准备

7 2016年4月 答辩及成绩评定


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