Inequality is an important link between our understanding of the unequal relationship between the real world and everyday life. It is widely used in various fields of mathematics and modern science and technology. It is precisely because of this that the simpler and more basic inequalities are particularly important. The average inequality is an extension of the basic inequality and is the basis for the establishment of other inequalities, including arithmetic mean inequalities, geometric mean inequalities, and harmonic mean inequalities. It is an important part of the basic inequality.
Starting from the "Syllabus" in 1996, the average number theorem has been extended to three positive numbers that are not less than their geometric mean. This provision directly states that the status of the average inequality in the college entrance examination is a very important test point. How to solve problems related to it simply, quickly and effectively has always been a very interesting and exciting field of mathematics research.
关键词:证明; 应用; 教学;数学思想和方法
Keyword: Proof; Application; High school teaching; Mathematical ideas and methods
目录 0
图索引 1
引言 1
1 平均数不等式的内容 1
2 平均数不等式的证明 1
2.1 两个平均数不等式的证明 1
2.2 用数学归纳法证明 2
2.3 利用不等式法来证明 3
2.4 用几何方法证明 4
2.5 用排序法证明 5
3 平均数不等式的应用 6
3.1 选择题中平均数不等式的应用 6
3.2 填空题中平均数不等式的运用 7
3.3 解答题中平均数不等式的应用 8
4 教学建议 9
4.1 教师的教学 9
4.2 学生的学习 10
5 结束语 10
参考文献 11
致谢 11
2 1 函数fx=ex,gx=x+1的图像 3
2 2 函数y=exGn的图像 4
3 1 函数的图像 8