On Translating Brand Names from the Perspective of Skopos Theory分别从影响因素、翻译原则和翻译方法等方面阐述了目的论在商标翻译中的运用。
ABSTRACT:With the fast development of international exchange, more and more foreign products flood into Chinese market. In the fierce competition, enterprises from various countries try their best to enlarge their marketing shares so as to get more profits. In this case, brand names have become an important influencing factor, which make more and more enterprises pay attention to the translation of their brand names. That is: how to attract consumers and stimulate consummation. The Skopos Theory advocates that “the end justifies the means”. So, it is suitable in guiding the translation of brand names. Under the guide of Skopos Theory, the translating techniques are not fixed. Of course, some influencing factors and translating principles also need to be carefully considered.
This paper consists of five parts. Chapter One is an introduction which contains the research background, the research significance. Chapter Two reviews the development of Skopos Theory and the shortage which exists in the translation of brand names under the guiding of other translating theories. Chapter Three is about the basic rules of the theory and their relationships. Chapter Four deals with the application of Skopos Theory for translating brand names from the perspective of influencing factors, principles of translation and techniques of translation. The influencing factors include different intentions of the target text, the different cultural background and consumer psychologies. The techniques of translation include transliteration, literal translation, liberal translation and adaptation. Chapter Five is conclusion and the limitation of this paper.
Keywords: Skopos Theory;Brand names; Translation techniques
摘 要:随着国际贸易活动的迅速发展,外国商品大量涌入中国市场。在激烈的市场竞争中,品牌成为影响企业扩大市场份额获得更多利润的重要因素。越来越多的企业开始重视品牌的翻译。目的论强调“目的决定手段”,因此适合指导品牌翻译。当然,其它相关因素和翻译原则在翻译过程中也是需要仔细考虑的。
论文分为五章。第一章介绍了论文的研究意义、背景。第二章回顾了目的论的发展历史及在其他原则指导下商标翻译方面存在的不足, 阐述了目的论对于商标翻译的优势。 第三章介绍了目的论基本规则和它们之间的关系。第四章分别从影响因素、翻译原则和翻译方法等方面阐述了目的论在商标翻译中的运用。影响因素包括对文本的预期、不同国家的文化差异和顾客的心理因素。翻译原则主要包括目的原则、关联原则、美学原则。 翻译方法主要为转译、直译、意译、改译法等。第五章是研究结论及论文的不足之处。
关键词: 目的论;商标名;翻译技巧
Table of Contents
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background 1
1.2 Research Significance 2
2 Literature Review 2
3 Three Rules of Skopos Theory and Their Relationships 3
3.1 The Skopos Rule 3
3.2 The Coherence Rule 4
3.3 The Fidelity Rule 4
3.4 Their Relationships 5
4 Application of Skopos Theory in Translating Brand Names 5
4.1 Factors Involved in Translating Brand Names 5
4.1.1 Different intentions of Target Texts 6
4.1.2 Different Cultural Backgrounds 7
4.1.3 Different Psychologies of Consumers 8
4. 2 Translation Principles for Brand Names 9
4.2.1 Principle Based on Skopos Rule 9
4.2.2 Principle Based on Consumer’s Psychology 10
4.2.3 Principle Based on Relevance Theory 11
4.2.4 Principle Based on Aesthetic Theory 12
4. 3 Translation Techniques for Brand Names 14
4.3.1 Transliteration 14
4.3.2 Literal Translation 17
4.3.3 Liberal Translation 18
4.3.4 Adaptation 19
5 Conclusion 20
References 21
On Translating Brand Names from the Perspective of Skopos Theory
1 Introduction
1.1 Research Background