A Contrastive Study on the Translation Strategies and Errors of Poem Translation between English Majors and Chinese Majors
摘要:在各种翻译类型中,诗歌英译汉是翻译的一个难点。研究英语专业和中文专业大学生 现代诗歌汉译水平的文献少之又少。本研究整理出六个可用的翻译策略,甄选了出自英国 诗人沃尔特•萨维奇•兰多的三首短诗,分别邀请十五位英语专业和十五位中文专业的大四 学生进行汉译,通过收集译诗对比研究两个专业学生在诗歌汉译时的翻译错误以及翻译策 略,以找出英语专业和中文大学生在学习时的不足,并借鉴双方有优势的部分,提高翻译 水平。
研究结果显示,英语专业大学生总共选用了三种翻译策略而中文专业大学生用了五种 翻译策略。总体上而言,中文专业大学生用的翻译策略更多样化,比英语专业大学生用的 策略更多。两个专业大学生都比较喜欢用直译法,谐韵翻译法和无韵律诗翻译法次之。但 两个专业大学生都没有用到散文翻译法。在翻译错误方面,尽管英语专业大学生比中文专 业大学生所犯的错误少一些,但是也不具备很大优势。因此,英语专业大学生更应该注重 提高翻译水平。
关键词 诗歌翻译 翻译策略 翻译错误 对比研究
Title A Contrastive Study on the Translation Strategies and Errors of Poem Translation between English Majors and Chinese Majors
Abstract:Among all types of translations, poem translation is one of the most difficult types of translations. Few researches investigate poem translation done by English majors and Chinese majors. This study summarized six practical translation strategies and chose three poems written by English poet Walter Savage Landor to invite 15 English majors and 15 Chinese majors to translate. By collecting and analyzing the translated poems, a contrastive study on the different translation strategies and errors between two majors was conducted, for the purpose of finding out the deficiency as well as the advantages when English majors and Chinese majors were learning at universities thus improving their translation quality.
According to the results, English majors had used three translation strategies while Chinese majors had used five, so it was obvious that Chinese majors used more translation strategies than English majors did. Literal Translation was preferred by most of participants from two majors, Rhyme and Blank Verse followed separately as the second popular translation strategies. However, two majors did not use Poetry into Prose as a translation strategy. As for translation errors, though English majors made fewer mistakes than Chinese majors did, they did not have a clear advantage. English majors should pay more attention to improve translation quality.
Keywords poem translation translation strategies translation errors contrastive study
Table of Contents
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background 1
1.2 Significance of the Study 1
1.3 Structure of the Thesis 2
2 Literature Review 2
2.1 Translation Strategies for Poem Translation 2
2.1.1 Definition of Poem Translation 2
2.1.2 Difficulties in Poem Translation 3
2.1.3 Categories of Poem Translation Strategies 3
2.1.4 Comparison of Poem Translation Strategies 4
2.2 Translation Errors 5
2.2.1 Definition of Translation Errors 5
2.2.2 Translation Error Types 6
3 Research Methodology 7
3.1 Research Questions 7
3.2 Participants 7
3.3 Instruments 7
3.4 Procedure 8
3.5 Data Collection 8
3.6 Data Analysis 9
4 Results and Discussion 9
4.1 Results of Poem Translation Strategies 9
4.1.1 Analysis on the Use of Poem Translation Strategies 11
4.2 Interview about the Choice of Poem Translation Strategies 12
4.3 Discussion for Translation Strategies 14
4.4 Results of Translation Errors 14
4.4.1 Results Analysis on Translation Errors 17
4.5 Interview about Translation Errors 17
4.6 Discussion for Translation Errors 19