旅游业的Web 2.0英文文献和中文翻译(4)

对旅游供应商的影响 一些网站提供给用户基于标签的排序、共享和分类内容的功能。例如flickr(用于图片整理和共享),travbuddy (用于旅游经验分享)。


一些网站提供给用户基于标签的排序、共享和分类内容的功能。例如flickr(用于图片整理和共享),travbuddy (用于旅游经验分享)。由于这些网站的“分众分类”功能,时下许多公司在设计自己的搜索引擎优化策略时都有所考虑。例如,汤姆逊的网站提供了一个友情链接到deli.cious,使其用户可以标记并通过这一技术整理其网站。









结论:互联网用户和旅行者都是时下有权通过他们希望分享的渠道和方式来创建和分享自己的内容。Web 2.0技术使互联网用户成为合作生产,共同设计,一起营销和旅游体验和服务的合作分销商,以及新电子商务模式下的共同企业家。其由旅游业及酒店业所创建的商业影响(威胁,但也机会)是巨大的。然而,Web 2.0就在这儿,除非公司意识其潜力并试图利用它,否则它无法勉力生存。

外文文献出处: 附外文文献原文

During the last years, we are experiencing the mushrooming and increased use of web tools enabling Internet users to both create and distribute content (multimedia information). These tools referred to as Web 2.0 technologies-applications can be considered as the tools of mass collaboration, since they empower Internet users to actively participate and simultaneously collaborate with other Internet users for producing, consuming and diffusing the information and knowledge being distributed through the Internet. In other words, Web 2.0 tools do nothing more than realizing and exploiting the full potential of the genuine concept and role of the Internet (i.e. the network of the networks that is created and exists for its users). The content and information generated by users of Web 2.0 technologies are having a tremendous impact not only on the profile, expectations and decision making behavior of Internet users, but also on e-business model that businesses need to develop and/or adapt. The tourism industry is not an exception from such developments. On the contrary, as information is the lifeblood of the tourism industry the use and diffusion of Web 2.0 technologies have a substantial impact of both tourism demand and supply. Indeed, many new types of tourism cyber-intermediaries have been created that are nowadays challenging the e-business model of existing cyber-intermediaries that only few years ago have been threatening the existence of intermediaries!. In this vein, the purpose of this article is to analyze the major applications of Web 2.0 technologies in the tourism and hospitality industry by presenting their impact on both demand and supply.