摘 要:中俄两国既是长期的战略合作伙伴,又互为最大邻国,在经济政治方面合作的密切程度已是不言而喻。而作为领土面积较大的两国,他们的旅游资源也是十分丰富的。旅游业,作为两国民间互相了解、增进交往的重要途径,进一步加强两国的旅游业合作与发展也是两国应顺势而变的重要战略之一。
The development and Prospect of tourism cooperation between China and Russia
Abstract:China and Russia are long-term strategic partners, but also each others largest neighbors, the degree of cooperation in economic and political cooperation is self-evident. As a large area of the two countries, their tourism resources are also very rich. The tourism industry as an important way for the two countries to understand each other and promote exchanges, and further strengthen the cooperation and development of tourism between the two countries is one of the important strategies to be adopted by the two countries.
Firstly, this paper reviews the domestic and foreign research on the status quo of the tourism industry in China and Russia, and clarifies the background and significance of the research. The development and present situation of cooperation between China and Russia and then discusses the tourism industry, which was analyzed by SWOT model, and put forward the advantages and disadvantages, opportunities, and challenges from different aspects of cooperation between the two countries in the tourism industry. Finally, according to the above analysis, the author puts forward some suggestions on cooperation.
Key Words: China;Russia;tourism;cooperation strategy
摘 要 1
Abstract 2
一 中国与俄罗斯旅游业发展状况 4
(一)俄罗斯旅游业发展现状 4
(二)中国旅游业的发展现状 4
(三)中俄旅游业合作现状 6
二 中俄旅游业合作的SWOT分析 9
(一)俄罗斯旅游业优势 9
(二)俄罗斯旅游业劣势 11
(三)中俄旅游业合作发展的机遇 13
(四)中俄旅游业合作发展中的威胁 14
三 为中俄旅游业合作发展提出的建议 15
(一)大力开发俄罗斯旅游资源,形成新的旅游增长点 15
(二)加强宣传,开发潜在游客群 16
(三)加大旅游人才培养力度,提升中俄旅游合作空间 17
(四)实现O2O的转变,为游客提供更多便利 17
参考文献 19
一 中国与俄罗斯旅游业发展状况
(一) 俄罗斯旅游业发展现状