




Abstract:Society continues to progress, in the information technology computer under the vigorous development of the scientists will study the biological life together with the computer together, so the combination of the two disciplines derived from the current bioinformatics. So the name suggests, this discipline is the use of computer information on the biological processing and analysis, thus speeding up the judgments of information. With this discipline, the efficiency of the information that scientists deal with in life will be much faster, so they will speed up their research. Similarly, the identification and research of RNA methylation sites requires this multi-faceted, multifunctional combination of emerging disciplines to solve. Want to complete the performance of the RNA in the computer characteristics of the property, we need a variety of statistical methods. Using this method, the relevant RNA is extracted from the feature, and then the feature vector is identified by the computer.

   In this paper, we will refer to three methods, namely, NC method, based on the statistical characteristics of the PSNP method, based on statistical features of the PSDP method. Using these three methods can be a good identification of RNA m6A site,

   When we identify the methylation of RNA, we first need to construct the eigenvectors, materialization properties, location specificity, and symmetrical structures of RNA sequences as a way to extract eigenvectors. However, if we follow this method To operate, may cause prediction accuracy is not very high. A new method of m6A distribution and function was developed and studied. As a good complementary experimental technique, the computational method will accelerate the detection of whole genome m 6 A. In this study, we used the NC method, the PSNP method based on the statistical feature, and the PSDP method based on the statistical feature to identify and identify the m6A locus. The final result can guarantee the eigenvector extracted from the single attribute The result is superior.

Key words: support vector machine (SVM); RNA methylation ;Sequence set;Statistical characteristics


第一章绪论 6

1.1RNA甲基化研究的背景和意义 6

1.2RNA甲基化国内外研究现状 6

1.3论文主要工作 7

第二章RNA概述及甲基化识别 8

2.1RNA的含义及表达方式 8