
In China, the description of basic color characters can be traced back to ancient times, the original work on color words is The Book of Songs, which just confined to Chinese color words. In1940s, Hu

In China, the description of basic color characters can be traced back to ancient times, the original work on color words is The Book of Songs, which just confined to Chinese color words. In1940s, Hu Puan made an analysis about the generation and development of these five color words. Then scholar Zhang Peiji made a deep research about the color words and published his book English sounds words and Translation in 1979, which book analyzed color words in detail, made a comparison between English and Chinese color words and provided great help to the future generations. In recent years, Liu Yunquan, the scholar who aimed at studies basic color characters, made a special study of modern Chinese color words in his book The Color of language beauty from the perspective of grammar, rhetoric, literature, social culture psychology, etc. With extensive concern of the color words in linguistics, more and more experts and scholars tend to pay attention to it in recent years. Their researches on semantic, pragmatic and cultural connotations of color words are more and more important.

This paper can be pided into five parts. Chapter One is introduction, this part includes the meaning and status of the research and give a belief introduction about this article. Chapter Two is the embodiment of cultural differences in Chinese and English color words, this part will discuss the cultural differences from four parts. Chapter Three introduces the meaning and usage of the main color words, this part compares and analyzes the culture connotations of five basic color words in English and Chinese. Chapter Four explains the translation strategies and principles of Chinese and English Color Words. This part is about the processing method of cultural differences between Chinese and English color words, cultural transfer in translation of basic color words. Chapter Five is conclusion.