[19]Richard C. Richardson Jr,Alicia D. Hurley.From Low Income and Minority Access to Middle Income Affordability: A Case Study of the US Federal Role in Providing Access to Higher Education. 《Reform
[19] Richard C. Richardson Jr,Alicia D. Hurley.From Low Income and Minority Access to Middle Income Affordability: A Case Study of the US Federal Role in Providing Access to Higher Education. 《Reform and Change in Higher Education》
[20] College Board.Trends in Student Aid 2013. 《College Board published its annual reports today on the 2013 trends in student aid and college pricing》
[21] Kazuhiro Yoshida.Japan’s International Cooperation in Education: Pursuing Synergetic Results. 《Kazuhiro Yoshida in International Education Aid in Developing Asia 2015》
[22] Lorraine Dearden,Emla Fitzsimons,Gill Wyness. Money for nothing: Estimating the impact of student aid on participation in higher education. 《Economics of Education Review 43 (2014)