A Defence for Daisy in The Great Gatsby: By Inspecting the Reliability of the Narration
Abstract:The Great Gatsby is one of the most significant works in the American literature history, and it demonstrates an epicurean Jazz Age. The heroine Daisy is always regarded as a hypercritical and merciless woman who should be mainly responsible for the disillusion of the American Dream of Gatsby. However, it is not a conclusion worth deduction, and Daisy is no more than a normal lady with affections and feelings. What play an important role in the improper comments are the unproved narrations of Nick, the narrator. However, as both the minor character and the narrator, the narration of Nick was limited for his limited third person narration perspective and his stand as a character.
The ultimate question this paper is going to answer is how Daisy really was like. This paper will examine the passages of The Great Gatsby relating to Daisy through text analysis and literature research. In the process, the narration of Nick will be the focus of analysis. This paper will demonstrate that the narration of Nick is unreliable by presenting the defect of his character and obvious loopholes in his novels. This paper will focus on the analysis of some representative comments on Daisy from Nick, combined with other paragraphs related to Daisy in the novel, to challenge his evaluation on Daisy, so as to remodel and guide readers to better understand the image of Daisy. And draw the conclusion that Daisy was not as bad as the critics commented, and she was the victim of the times and she was a common woman in that time, who were not noble but not to the worst.
Keyword: The Great Gatsby; Daisy; narration; unreliability
摘 要 :《了不起的盖茨比》是美国文学史上具有划时代意义的作品,展现了一个物欲横流的爵士时代。作品中的女主人公黛西长久以来被看作是虚伪无情的女人,是主人公盖茨比美国梦破灭的主要因素。但是这样的评价并经不起推敲,黛西只是一个有血有肉的凡人女子,受社会大潮的影响,是迷茫的一代的一员,但是并非如尼克所说是一个无情无义的女人。追溯造成如此偏颇的评价的原因,其中叙述者尼克待考证的对黛西等人的评价起到了重要作用。尼克作为小说的次要人物,同时担任了叙述者的角色,由于尼克叙述视角的受限和人物立场的制约,尼克的叙述存在一定的局限性。
关键词:了不起的盖茨比; 黛西; 叙述可靠性;
1. Introduction... 1
1.1 The Research Background and Comments on Daisy. 1
1.2 Research Questions 2
2. The Function of Nick and The Unreliability of His Narration.. 2
2.1 The Roles of Nick.... 2
2.1.1 Nick as a Character. 3
2.1.2 Nick as a Narrator... 3
2.2 The Unreliability of Nick’s Narration... 3
2.2.1 Unreliable Narration. 3
2.2.2 The Unreliability in the Personality of Nick. 4
2.2.3 The Over-narration of Nick Reflection His Personality 5
3. The Image of Daisy from Nick’s Narration 7
3.1 Daisy in the Sight of Nick.. 7
3.1.1 A Golden Girl 7
3.1.2 An Empty Girl.. 8
3.1.3 A Careless Girl.. 9
3.2 The Function of Daisy and Her Personality.. 9
3.2.1 An Appurtenance to Tom in the Marriage.... 9