Problems of Painting Teaching in Junior Class of Kindergarten and Suggestions—take D kindergarten in the county of Lushan,PingDingshan as an example
Abstract: Painting education is part of art education in kindergarten. In children 3-4 years old, their sense of perception tends to be complete, so they incline to accept vivid, colorful, novel things and phenomena. On one hand, painting can help the kids that age to practice the coordination between eyes and hands and on the other hand, their awareness, creativeness and imagination can be improved enormously.The writer did attentive observation and research and noticed the problems of D kindergarten in PingDingshan, which is the neglect of children's interest and their will to learn. The writer analysed the problems and causes through five aspects: teaching content, teaching goals, teaching methods, teaching activities and the interaction between teachers and kids. When it comes to dealing with the problems that mentioned above, the writer has some suggestions.
Keywords:Art education in kindergarten;Kids in junior class of kindergarten;Painting;Painting teaching in junior class of kindergarten
目 录
摘要 1
Abstract 1
一、学前儿童绘画活动的概述 2
(一)学前儿童绘画活动 2
(二)小班绘画教学 2
(三)小班绘画教学活动的意义 2
二、 D幼儿园小班绘画教学中存在的问题及原因分析 3
(一)教学目标重技能轻情感,没有根据层次不同的幼儿设定 3
(二)教学内容过难或者过易 4
(三)教学方法过于死板 4
(四)教学组织形式单一 5
(五)忽视了教学过程中师幼互动 5
三、 对D幼儿园小班绘画教学中存在问题的建议 6
(一)明确小班绘画教学目标 6
(二) 提升教师专业素质,选择适合小班幼儿年龄特点的绘画内容 7
(三)教师可以采用“游戏式”教学法 7
(四)采用集体教学和分组教学相结合的教学组织形式 7
(五)重视师幼互动,课后对教学过程进行反思 8
参考文献 9
附录 10
致谢 11