摘要:幼儿游戏是幼儿在幼儿园日常里最基本的活动, 也是幼儿社会化过程中常见的问题之一。在幼儿的游戏过程中也总时时刻刻体现着游戏的秩序感。鉴于此,本人采用观察法,针对宝丰县育才幼儿园小班幼儿秩序感的发展进行观察,主要从游戏中小班幼儿秩序感的现状和家长教师对幼儿游戏中秩序感的态度这两个维度来进行现状分析,并从中进行成因分析,根据小班幼儿游戏中秩序感所发生的原因提出建议,如创造规则的游戏环境,培养幼儿的秩序感意识,教师做到重视诱导,培养幼儿秩序感的正确形成等,帮助幼儿建立秩序感的原则意识,使幼儿终生受益,长大后成为一名优秀的社会人。
An Investigation&Cultivation about Kindergarten Junior Class Children’s Sense of Order in the Game
---Taking junior class of Baofeng Yucai Kindergarten as an example
Abstract: Kids game is the most basic daily activities in kindergarten, which is also one of most common problems in kids' socialization process. In the process of gaming, sense of order is reflected at every moment. Based on this, the writer of this article adopts Observation Method, Case Study combined with Empirical Evidence and Questionnaire Method, conduct sample observartion aimed at the sense of order of Baofeng county Yucai kindergarten small class. It mainly focus on status analysis of two dimensions:from reality and status quo of sense of order in small-sized class to the transformation of orderly behaviour,and conduct causes analysis. Putting forward suggestions in light of reasons of occured sense of order in the class, such as creating play-by-rule game enviroment ,cultivating awareness of sense of order , attentive guidance by teachers , cultivating correct formation of sense of order and so forth. Helping kids establish principle awareness of sense of order , making kids benefit from it all whole life, and becoming a terrific person as an grown-up.
Key words: Junior class kids; Sense of order about gaming; Cultivate
目 录
摘要 1
Abstract 1
一、小班幼儿游戏中秩序感的概述 2
(一)幼儿游戏中秩序感的相关论述 2
(二)幼儿游戏中秩序感与秩序行为的区别 2
(三)幼儿游戏中秩序感的重要意义 2
二、 小班幼儿游戏中秩序感的现状 3
(一)小班幼儿游戏中秩序感普遍较差 3
(二)教师与家长对小班幼儿游戏中秩序感引导不当 5
(三)教师与家长教育方式不一致 6
三、小班幼儿游戏中秩序感的成因分析 6
(一)小班幼儿个体发展差异 7
(二)教师处理方式不当 7
(三)家长对幼儿秩序感发展的忽视 7
四、改善小班幼儿游戏中秩序感的建议 8
(一)教师对幼儿游戏中秩序感的引导 8
(二)家长对幼儿游戏中秩序感的培养 8
(三)加强教师与家长的及时沟通,统一教育方式 9
参考文献 10
附录 11
致谢 12