摘 要:小学阶段是人们接受教育的伊始。所谓数感的培养,就是使小学生在现实生活中学会用数学的思维思考并运用于实际,解决相关的生活问题。数感的发展,有利于提高学生学习数学的积极性,增强学习数学的兴趣和自我效能感,同时也对与数学有联系的学科起着举足轻重的作用。由此看来,小学生数感的培养显得尤为重要。基于此,本文重点探讨小学生数感的培养,首先从数感的重要性开始进行论述,简要说明数感发挥出来的重要作用,其次,分析小学不同阶段数感的差异,通过分析得知随着小学生年级的升高,其数感越强,第三部分是以具体的小学数感课程培养案例,以四年级的“鸡兔同笼”为例进行具体分析,并从中得到启发,第四部分则是本文的重点部分,就如何培养小学生的数感提出了几点见解,以期本文的研究能够带来一定的现实意义。
Elementary number sense research
Abstract:The primary stage is the beginning of compulsory education, and it is also one of the most important stages of human education. To cultivate students' sense of number is to enable them to learn to think mathematically, and to understand and solve practical problems. The development of number sense, to stimulate the students' interest in mathematics learning, reinforcement learning interest and confidence in mathematics, and also conducive to such as physics and chemistry mathematics related fields of study, therefore, to cultivate students' number sense is very important. Based on this, this paper focuses on the cultivation of students' number sense, first from the importance of number sense to discusses briefly the important role of number sense of play to the second, analysis of differences between different stages of number sense of primary school, through the analysis of that with the rise of the grade, the number sense is stronger, the third part is based on the number of primary school the sense of curriculum and training case, to the fourth grade "chicken with rabbit cage" are analyzed as an example, and derive inspiration, the fourth part is the focus of this paper, how to cultivate students' number sense and puts forward some opinions, the study in this paper can bring some practical significance.
Key Words: Primary school; number sense; cultivation; strategy
目 录
数感是一种积极地、自主地或自动化地理解数和应用数的态度和认识。作为人的基本素养之一,它是建立明确的数的概念和有效地进行计算等数学活动的基础,是将数学与现实问题建立联系的桥梁 。数感作为培养其他素养的根基,我国《数学课程标准》把数感摆在十大基本素养的首位,就是为了让学生运用数学的思维去看待生活中的实际问题,并寻求解决问题的办法。与此同时,数感还能培养学生创新意识、提高创新能力与动手操作能力,为学生创造条件进一步接触和感悟数学问题。帮助学生阐述自己对有关问题的见解,通过多种途径实现对问题的剖析。小学阶段,学生的发散思维不断发展,对周围的事物充满新鲜感,对知识有一定的渴求。根据这一年龄特征,在教学中应从学生的实际出发,理论联系实际,提出相应的对策,培养学生的数感,进而对数学知识的认识和掌握发挥积极的作用,由此可以为数学思维的发展奠定基础,并在生活实践中使用数学思维解决问题,从而增强教学的科学性和有效性,为社会输出更多的数学人才。