I began to study telecommunication in my year 3, and I was very interested in it, which is the reason for I chose this project.
Abstract:The report will talk about how to use Simulink in Matlab to investigate a series of communications systems. After going through this report, readers will have a better idea of the following: the characteristics of the communication system involved in the report, the role of various parts in the communication system and how to use Simulink to analyze the communication system.
Keywords: PAM, eye diagram, Matlab and Simunlik, Communication Systems
Abstract 2
Acknowledgments 2
Introduction 5
Related Work 6
Technical Approach 7
Matlab and Simulink 7
Model Window 7
Simulink Library Browser 9
Excel 10
Design Rationale 11
Rectangular PAM in a Simple Receiver with the AWGN Channel 12
Source 12
Additive Gaussian White Noise 14
Receiver 15
BER Analysis 16
Filtered Rectangular PAM in a Simple Receiver with the AWGN Channel 17 Raised Cosine Series PAM 18
Optimum Binary Baseband Receiver 22
Correction Receiver for Baseband Symmetrical Signals 22
Symmetrical PAM in the Optimum Receiver with the AWGN Channel 24
Probability of Bit Error Calculation 24
M-ary PAM in the Optimum Receiver with the AWGN Channel 25
4-level PAM Bit to Symbol (Straight Binary Coded) 25
4-Level PAM Symbol to Bit (Straight Binary Coded) 27
4-level PAM Bit to symbol (Gray-coded) 27
4-Level PAM Symbol to Bit (Gray-coded) 28
Quadrature Amplitude Modulation 28
16-QAM 29
Technical Results and Analysis 36
Parameters 36
Phase Locked Loop with the Manchester Code Signal 36
VCO (Voltage-Controlled Oscillator) 39
Lag-Lead Filter 40
Eye Diagram 42
Noise Power Spectral Density 46
Performance of Rectangular PAM in a Simple Receiver with the AWGN Channel.50
Performance of Filtered Rectangular PAM in a Simple Receiver with the AWGN Channel 51
Performance of Raised Cosine Series PAM in a Simple Receiver with the AWGN Channel 52
Performance of Symmetrical PAM with the Optimum Receiver in the AWGN Channel 54
Performance of the M-ary PAM with the Optimum Receiver in the AWGN Channel 55
Performance of the 16-QAM with a Correction Receiver in the AWGN Channel..57
Future Work 60
Conclusion 60
References and Bibliography 61
Appendices 61
With the evolution of human society, communication engineering has been innovating and developing to meet increasingly demanding requirements. People in ancient times relied on letters to send messages, and now we can say goodnight to our loved ones thousands of miles away. The promotion of convenience can’t be accomplished overnight. Reliability and efficiency of modern communication is due to the efforts of several generations of communication engineers.
Requirements of communication have always been changing since the invention of the telephone in the nineteenth century to the test run of 5G networks today.
Communication System, like other rapidly developing technologies, is playing a more and more important role in today’s society, which means that more challenges await the people in this field.
This project uses Matlab and Simulink as main tools to analyze typical digital communication systems. This is considered a good way to get started in this field. Matlab and Simulink make analysis of telecommunication systems more efficient, which makes it suitable for college students to use as an analytical tool. A Matlab and Simulink simulation is a software brassboard that allows the virtual construction of a
digital communication system to explore the what-ifs of design with channel noise and non-linearities.1 Sinulink's block library contains a large number of existing blocks, allowing connection of different blocks to make up systems, and then using Matlab's powerful computing power to do simulation. Finally, theoretical data and simulated data can be compared for analyzing the performance of systems.