An Analysis of the Doomed Tragedy of Hamlet
摘 要:《哈姆雷特》是莎士比亚戏剧最杰出的代表作之一,也是莎士比亚戏剧艺术成熟的标志。该剧以丰富的时代内涵、生动的人物形象、复杂的矛盾冲突以及曲折多变的故事情节给人们留下深刻的印象,并吸引着他们对其不断的进行解读。本文着重从社会因素,哈姆雷特的个人性格因素和人文主义层面对哈姆雷特悲剧小说进行分析。揭示出哈姆雷特所处的封建贵族阶级和他作为一个人文主义者自身的弱点。通过对哈姆雷特命中注定的悲剧的分析,读者能够更加深入的了解莎士比亚的悲剧世界,引发人们从多角度去解读哈姆雷特。
Abstract :Hamlet is one of the most prominent representative of Shakespeare.It is the sign of the maturation in the art of Shakespeare’s plays. The play’s Times Connotation, vivid characters and complicated conflict as well as its story plot leaves people with a deep impression and attract the readers to interpret it constantly. This thesis makes an analysis of the doomed tragedy of Hamlet from social factors, Hamlet’s personality factors and humanist dimension. And it reveals that feudal aristocracy to which Hamlet belongs and his own character weakness contribute to his doomed tragedy. Through the Analysis of Hamlet’s doomed tragedy, readers can have a better understanding of Shakespeare’s tragedy and conduct people to interpret Hamlet from many angles.
Key words: Shakespeare; Hamlet; the doomed tragedy; conflict
摘 要...i
I. Introduction..1
II. About the Author and the Novel of Hamlet.....2
III. Analysis of the Doomed Tragedy of Hamlet...5
3.1 The Social Factors of Hamlet’s Tragedy... 5
3.2 The Personal Factors of Hamlet’s Tragedy..7
3.2.1 The Weakness of Hamlet’s Character.7
3.2.2 Hamlet’s Changeable Character.8
3.2.3 The Fatalism of Hamlet.....9
3.3 Hamlet’s Tragedy as a Humanist’s Tragedy..........9
3.3.1 The Conflict between Humanism and Reality....9
3.3.2The Failure of Hamlet’s Task as a Humanist .........11
IV. Conclusion.12
Analysis of the Doomed Tragedy of Hamlet
I. Introduction
Shakespeare was born on April 23, 1564, in Stratford, Avon, Warwickshire. As a man of rare genius, Shakespeare has become one of the landmarks in the history of world literature. While Shakespeare’s works in the history of world literature is a major milestone. In his 22-year writing career, he produced 37 plays, 2 narrative poems and 154 sonnets. His works of tragedy also made a great contribution to the literary world, especially the four major tragedies. It is understood that Hamlet is Shakespeare’s best play which belongs to a revenge play. It tell a story of a prince revenging for his dead father, during which it reveals the story of a clash of human life. As one of the four famous tragedies, Hamlet is full of tragic characteristics: It describes a chaotic world, also has a strong sense of self consciousness and uncertainness as well as reflecting complications of Renaissance. Renaissance was a time of violent and dramatic things, and Hamlet’s crazy revenge also proved this point. Although the original character of Hamlet is not created by Shakespeare, Hamlet of Shakespeare’s writing is an absolute new Hamlet of revenging hero to all readers of the world.
There are a thousand Hamlet in a thousand people’s eyes. In other words,different people have different ideas and opinions about Hamlet. That’s the charming point of Hamlet. That is also why Shakespeare is called the greatest writer and his works called absolute-original. That’s why to today, he is still loved and studied by countless groups of professional literature researchers and keen readers.That’s why this thesis choose Shakespeare’s work as a study object. This thesis makes an analysis of the doomed tragedy of Hamlet from social factors, Hamlet’s personality factors and humanist dimension. And it reveals that feudal aristocracy to which Hamlet belongs and his own character weakness contribute to his doomed tragedy. Through the Analysis of Hamlet doomed tragedy, readers can have a better understanding of Shakespeare’s tragedy and conduct people to interpret Hamlet from many angles.