But generally speaking, mind-mapping-assisted vocabulary taeching model doesn’t have detailed introduction of teaching process and independent evaluation system. As a kind of new teaching approach,
But generally speaking, mind-mapping-assisted vocabulary taeching model doesn’t have detailed introduction of teaching process and independent evaluation system. As a kind of new teaching approach, the application of mind mapping in junior high English vocabulary teaching still remains at the primary stage, which needs further study. The empirical research on application of mind map in Chinese classroom is still necessary and instructively meaningful.
With the above said in mind, a teaching practice was carried out in order to see whether mind-mapping-assisted vocabulary teaching can go smoothly in junior high school. What’s more , this paper attempts to analyze the effects of the mind-mapping-assisted vocabulary from the teaching case. 1.2Research Qusetions:
The research questions are as follows:
1. Whether the mind-mapping-assisted model can go smoothly in English vocabulary teaching in junior high school?
2.What are the impacts of Mind-mapping-assisted vocabulary teaching.
2.Literature Review
2.1 Overview of Mind Mapping
Mind mapping was first proposed and developed by Tony Buzan in 1970s. In 1974, with the publication of the book Use Your Head, the concept of mind mapping was introduced to the public for the first time. Mind mapping was originally used to training some learning disabled, the study was found to achieve a significant effect. Buzan promoted this technique and then it is generally applied to the people's all aspects of life.
2.1.1 Definition of Mind Mapping
Mind mapping is a graphical way to outline ideas and concepts,it’s a visual thinking tool which can help process information, comprehend, synthesize, recollect and generate new ideas, make reader better analyze. “Mind mapping is representative of radiant thinking and is a natural function of the human mind. Mind Mapping is a powerful graphic technique that provides a universal key to unlocking the potential of the brain. It can be applied to every fact of life due to clearer thinking will advance human performance” (Buzan,1993:59-60).
2.1.2 Characteristics of Mind Mapping
According to Buzan, a mind map contains the following four characteristics:
a) The subject attention is crystallized in a central image
b) The main themes of the subject radiate from the central image as branches, branches comprise a key image or key word printed on an associated line.
c) The braches form a connected nodal structure.
d) There is a structural relationship between the branches (T. Buzan,B. Buzan, 1994)
Figure 1 Example of a Mind Map (www. mind-map.com//EN/)
2.1.3 The Making of the Mind Map
The methods of making mind map include freehand sketch and computer software. There for, from the view of presenting way, mind mapping can be pided into two categories: pen based mind mapping and electronic mind mapping. The basic steps and principles are just similar.
The basic process of making mind map can be concluded as follows:
Step1: Start mind mapping in the center with a word or an image of the topic,
Step2: Draw lines started from the central word/image.
Step3: Select subtopics, make each word/image alone and sitting on its own line.
Step4: Draw lines radiated from the subtopic.
Repeat Step3 and Step 4 till the mind map is completed.
During the making process, the following principles should be noticed (Buzan:2003):
a) Use multiple colors throughout the mind map, for visual stimulation and also for encoding or grouping.
b) Use emphasis and show associations
c) Keep the mind map clear by using radial hierarchy or outlines to embrace your branches
Electronic mind mapping is supported by computer and software. Software for mind mapping is abundant, through which mind map can be efficiently developed. The typical software such as Mind Mapper, MindManager , and FreeMind are widely used for learning and working. Kidspiration, which especially designed for pupils, is simple to operate. It provides word’s pronunciation for kid’s better learning. EasyThinking is the domestic mind mapping software designed by the laboratory of knowledge visualization in Beijing Normal University. Microsoft Word and PowerPoint also can be used for mind map making.(Wei Hong xia, 2010)