A study on the Cultural adaptation of Chinese students from the Perspective of Marketing
Abstract:Cultural adaptation mainly refers to the adaptation of culture to the environment. For international students coming to China, cultural adaptation is an unavoidable problem. Over the years, our country has exerted a degree of influence on the international level, and the comprehensive strength in culture has been continuously enhanced. The number of foreign students studying in China has shown a rapid increase year by year. Because these foreign students have different religious beliefs, different cultural backgrounds, and differences in living customs, problems arise due to cultural factors. Therefore, under the premise of the continuous development of the education of overseas students in our country, analyzing the cultural adaptability of students studying abroad in our country is very critical. In this study, by reviewing the literature and sorting out existing research results, in the current environmental background of foreign students in China, through questionnaire surveys and data analysis, PEST analysis and SWOT analysis, we studied the cultural adaptation problems of international students coming to China, and proposed these issues. The corresponding solution.
Keywords: foreign students; coming to China; cultural adaptation; marketing
一、引言 7
(一)调研背景 7
(二)调研目的 8
二、文献综述 9
(一)文化适应的含义 9
(二)文化适应形式 9
(1)、技术和工具适应 9
(2)、组织适应 9
(3)、思想观念适应 9
(4)、文化适应与文化进化对比 10
(三)文化适应内容 10
1、 语言文字的文化适应 10
2、 产品设计包装中的文化适应 10
3、 广告促销中的文化适应 11
4、 日常商务中的文化适应 12
三、来华留学生文化适应问题 13
(一) 心理适应程度较差 13
(二)专业课学习压力较大 13
(三)人际交往局限 13
(四) 过分依赖母国文化社会支持 14
四、市场调研分析 15
(一) 市场调研及数据分析 15
1、 市场调研 15
2、 数据收集及数据分析 16
生活适应调查结果 17
心理适应调查结果 17
学习适应调查结果 20
社会文化适应调查结果 21
(二) 环境因素分析 24
1、 宏观环境分析(PEST) 24
2、 综合分析(SWOT) 26
五、来华留学生文化适应疏导对策 28
(一)中国国家层面 28
1、 完善来华留学生入学考核制度 28
2、 完善来华留学生预科教育制度 28
(二) 高校层面 28
1、 注重文化教育 28
2、 加强心理健康教育 29
3.提供良好的学习生活环境 29
(三)留学生自身层面 29
1、 加强个人知识储备能力 29
2、 加强人际交往能力 29
3、 加强社会实践能力 30