



The Attribution Study on the Development Dilemma of BEIJING OPERA FRIENDSHIP ASSOCIATION in HUANGPU District, Shanghai

Abstract:With the rapid development of China's economy, the social demand for spiritual culture is also changing. The traditional arts interest groups are facing the impact of all parties and fall into the dilemma of development. Based on the investigation of BEIJING OPERA FRIENDSHIP ASSOCIATION in HUANGPU District,Shanghai, this paper analyzes the reasons for the development dilemma of traditional art interest groups. From the survey, the development dilemma of traditional art interest groups can be attributed to three levels. First, in the macro social changes, the attitude of the society to the interest group activity of Beijing Opera is changed from welcome to understanding, and the support of the government is also reduced. Secondly, the development of the team is not smooth, the source of the traditional art interest group is more and more narrow, the new members are insufficient, and the difficulties of developing the new forces are difficult, which makes the team unable to update the generation and plunge into the plight of the aging development. Finally, from the point of view of the internal conflict in the group, the deep-rooted struggle of the artistic attainments in Shanghai opera circle have increased the pressure of the development of this interest group.

KeyWords:interest group;Beijing Opera;government support

目  录

一、绪论 1

(一) 研究缘起 1

(二) 文献综述 1

(三) 核心概念的界定 1

(四) 研究方案 2

二、社会变迁的影响 3

(一) 传统京昆戏剧的热度逐年下降 3

(二) 从政府支持到自筹资金的票房 4

(三) 缺乏资金致使活动场地的萎缩 4

三、 团体发展的制约 5

(一) 活动开销转嫁于社员会费压力 5

(二) 艺术水平良莠不齐的新进成员 6

(三) 京剧代际培养传播的尴尬尝试 7

四、 团体内部的冲突 8

(一) 唱腔审美上的分歧所造成的不合 8

(二) 艺术上的自私竞争造成的小团体 9

(三) 配乐资源分配不公所引起的风波 9

五、总结与讨论 10

(一) 总结 10

(二) 讨论 11

参考文献 12

附录:访谈对象基本情况 13

致谢 14


(一) 研究缘起

