Comparison of Chinese and American Civil Service Selection System
Abstract: Civil selection system is an important component of modern civil service system, improve the civil service selection system is conducive to the establishment of an efficient government. In this paper, the process of establishment and development of bilateral civil service selection system as a background to elaborate. And on this basis, it focuses on a comparative analysis of Sino-US civil service selection system from position classification system, the basic principles of selection, four aspects of the program and the selection range when the examination of selection for comparison. Its purpose is to seek the Sino-US differences in the selection of civil servants as well as institutional inadequacies of China's selection system, civil service and merit selection system of the United States proposed the building of a lesson flexible civil service job classification system, the civil service selection procedures for scientific examination content design, selection and range expansion of civil servants and civil service selection system to improve legal system and other recommendations to improve China's civil service selection system.
Key words: civil service; selection system; China; USA
摘要: 1
Abstract:. 1
一、中美公务员选拔制度的确立与发展 2
(一)中国公务员选拔制度的确立与发展 2
(二)美国公务员选拔制度的创立与发展 4
(三)中美公务员选拔制度建立与发展的比较分析 4
二、中美公务员选拔制度的分项比较分析 5
(一)中美公务员职位分类制度的比较分析 5
(二)中美公务员选拔制度的基本原则比较分析 6
(三)中美公务员选拔制度的程序比较分析 7
(四)中美公务员选拔考试的范围比较 9
三、美国公务员选拔制度对中国公务员选拔制度的借鉴 10
(一)建设弹性的公务员职位分类制度,进一步深化改革和完善 10
(二)实现公务员选拔程序中考试内容的科学化设计 11
(三)扩展公务员选拔的范围 11
(四)完善公务员选拔制度的法律体系,实现制度的法制化 12
参考文献 13
致谢 14