摘 要:2008年经济危机后,世界经济处于转折时期,各行各业的发展都处于疲软状态,快速发展的中国经济也受到经济危机的冲击,每个行业的竞争都十分激烈,在企业的快速发展中,企业的员工也越来越重视自身的利益发展。大多数员工的综合素质有所提升,导致企业的人工成本不断增加,同时企业对人才的需求也不断增加,导致市场出现劳动力短缺的情况,甚至出现"用工荒“,为了企业的长期发展,越来越多的企业重视起来人力资源的工作,同时作为人力资源工作的重点内容,控制员工的流失也成为老大难的问题,尤其是针对劳动力密集型企业,包括零售行业,工作量大且工资待遇较低,导致员工离职率高,严重阻碍了企业的快速发展,因此本文针对零售行业的员工流失问题来做分析,这里以YH超市为例。
Analysis of The Reasons And Countermeasures of Yonghui Supermarket Staff Turnover
Abstract: After the 2008 economic crisis, the world economy is in a transition period, the development of all walks of life are in a weak state, for the rapid development of China's economy has also been hit by the economic crisis. The national economy conforms to the times development, is in the reform period, each industry competition is very intense, in the enterprise's fast development, the enterprise staff also more and more emphasis on the development of their own interests. Most of the staff's comprehensive quality improved, leading to increased labor costs of enterprises, while enterprises demand for talent is increasing, leading to market labor shortages, and even the emergence of "labor shortage", for the long-term development of the enterprise, more and more enterprises pay attention to the work of human resources, at the same time as the key content of human resources the control of staff turnover has become a difficult problem, especially for labor-intensive enterprises, including retail industry, large amount of work and wages is low, causes the staff to leave rate high, seriously hindered the rapid development of enterprises, so the loss of employees for the retail industry to do the analysis, here to YH the supermarket as an example.
Key words: Retail trade; Economic development; Turnover rate; Labor demand
目 录
摘 要 1
Abstract 1
一、YH超市员工概况及流失问题 2
(一)YH公司员工概况 2
(二)YH公司员工流失的特点 3
二、YH超市员工流失原因分析 4
(一)外部环境因素 4
(二)组织因素 5
三、减少YH超市员工流失的建议 7
(一)加强员工的专业培训 7
(二)塑造良好的团对氛围,加强人文关怀 8
(三)加强主管的管理水平培养,提高管理人员的效率 8
(四)使用先进的数字化管理,减少员工离职率 9
(五)规划好每位员工的职业发展 9
(六)增加与员工的沟通,提高员工满意度 10
参考文献 11
致谢 12
目前国内经济处于产业结构优化阶段,每个行业都处于低速发展阶段,零售行业也在影响之中,但是YH超市的却表现出快速增长的趋势,这里与YH超市的企业战略有不可分割的联系。当代社会,经济急速向前发展,更多的人开始关注改善生活品质,提高个人生活水平[ ]。同时人力成本在不断的提高,成为企业的重要成本点。国家也在大力发展民生,提高民生的生活质量,而作为与民生息息相关的商超是国家大力支持的,YH超市以“农改超”的形式进入零售行业,这无疑是符合国家战略的发展需求的,当然也得到了国家农业部的认可,但是作为一个企业来说快速的发展除了国家政策的支持还需要自身强硬的管理。然而在人才流失后,重新招聘和培训人员替代,其费用是维持原人才所需薪酬额的2.8倍以上[ ]。在人力成本不断增加的时代,研究企业员工流失的意义也就更加的迫切