The Empirical Research of Develop Infants’ Creativity Through Percussion Music Activities
—— takes middle class Z kindergarten as Zhoukou in an example
Abstract:Infancy is the budding period of creativity and the optimal period to cultivate spirit and ability of creativity. collective percussion music activities can develop infants interest in musical instruments; the physically pleasant sensation and the psychological satisfaction infants obtain from musical instrument performance can increase infants familiarity with and comprehension of music works and achieve the goal of training and development of the right-brain functions. Therefore, research shows that percussion music activities are of vital significance to development of infants creativity. This paper adopts the method of literature review and observation to first summarize the significance of percussion music activities in developing childrens creativity and basic characteristics of the Orff teaching method. The middle class of Z Kindergarten in Zhoukou City is taken as an example. A teaching plan related to percussion music activities and aiming at developing infants creativity is designed. The application effects of the teaching plan are analyzed from the perspective of teachers, infants, teaching purposes and teaching effects. Based on the above analysis and discussion, design and application strategies to develop infants’ creativity through percussion music activities are put forward.
Keywords:Preschool education ;Percussion music;Creation cultivation
目 录
摘要 1
Abstract 1
一、概述 2
(一)幼儿打击乐活动 2
(二)奥尔夫音乐教学法 2
(三)幼儿创造力培养的意义 3
二、奥尔夫音乐教学法的特征 3
(一)学习氛围宽松愉快 3
(二)表现形式多种多样 3
(三)注重合作 4
(四)音乐素材丰富多彩 4
(五)注重即兴创作 4
三、旨向幼儿创造力培养的打击乐活动设计——以周口市Z幼儿园中班幼儿为例 5
(一)设计意图 5
(二)活动目标 5
(三)活动准备 5
(四)活动过程 6
四、案例效果及分析 7
(一)案例应用基本情况 7
(二)案例应用及效果分析 7
五、打击乐活动中幼儿创造力培养建议 9
(一)运用形式多样的教学方式 9
(二)节奏选择、创编要符合幼儿学习特点 9
(三)为歌曲创编合适动作 9
(四)给幼儿自主探索的机会 9
(五)选择适合的乐器 9
(六)让幼儿参与乐器的编配 10
(七)充分注重即兴创作 10
六、结语 10
附录 12
致谢 13