



关键词: 社区电商;口碑营销;消费者行为

Abstract: The popularization of Internet technology has greatly changed people's shopping mode, and online shopping has become the main shopping mode in the 21st century. Cross-border electricity in the whole electricity dealer market can not be neglected, is the potential of the market, through community pattern accumulated flow rate of mobile phone APP "little red book", on the basis of the development of their own shopping platform, accurate positioning for the target user after 80 female consumer groups, using word of mouth marketing, in almost "zero cost" occupy the market marketing mode.

This paper starts from the market, users, content, operation and other aspects of little red book. At the same time, the research is carried out in combination with the theories of word-of-mouth marketing communication. After study that little red book community model is the basis of the realization of word of mouth marketing, and in the little red book electricity sector in sharing mode of natural access, thus forming a complete business closed loop, truly realized user traffic.

In the e-commerce market with increasingly fierce competition, it is of certain significance to create a vertical market segment under the sharing mode through word-of-mouth marketing and realize the final realization.

KeyWords: electronic commerce; the enterprise business; electronic commerce development tendency

目  录

一、绪论 1

(一)研究背景和意义 1

1、研究背景 1

2、研究意义 2

(二)研究对比 2

1、网络社区 2

2、口碑营销 2

(三)研究思路和方法 3

二、认识小红书APP 4

(一)小红书境外旅游购物攻略--用户的海淘百科全书 4

(二)购物笔记 4

(三)小红书福利社 5

三、小红书社群口碑营销模式研究 6

(一)小红书市场分析 6

1、网络购物环境分析 6

2、市场策略-定位细分市场 7

(二)小红书社区用户分析-垂直化到分众化 9

1、精准用户画像 9

2、口碑营销产生的集群效应 9

(三)小红书UGC内容分析-专一化到结构化 9

1、“购物分享”到“生活分享” 9

2、APP结构-“逛”的场景化 10

(四)小红书平台模式分析-多元化与去中心化 10

1、自生的天然目标细分市场 10

2、重内容,轻分享 11

(五)小红书运营模式分析-营销闭环打造 11

1、福利社选品模式 11

2、供应链 11

3、售后 12

4、线下活动的展开 12

(六)小红书运营对企业的借鉴 13

1、运用口碑提高用户转化率,形成闭环商业社区 13

2、转化购买率关键:社区用户基数以及用户忠诚度 13

3、分享模式的双刃剑性质 13

4、社区口碑排行榜对于主导品牌销售的影响力 14

四、结论 15

致 谢 16

参考文献 17