



Research on the Marketing Strategy of Xiaomi House in the Internet of things era

Abstract: As China's economy takes off, time advances, technology advances, and the Internet of things era approaches, the first flagship store of Xiaomi House opens in Shenzhen in November 2017, opening a new chapter in retail sales across the country. The millet house has netted everything in people's homes, making it feel as if it were not just a house, but an interesting soul, compared to what it was a few decades ago. Many Xiaomi ecological chain products are also displayed in front of the public. Starting with its first ecological-chain product in 2014, Xiaomi will continue to replicate the model of making the phone, from the original design definition to the end user Created a new myth in consumer electronics. This paper first takes you to understand the construction mode and operation mechanism of Xiaomi ecosphere, and then analyzes the marketing strategy of Xiaomi House through the interactive marketing of Xiaomi. In the SWOT analysis concluded that Xiaomi House through the creation of a brand to Xiaomi House has their unique fan community, in the interactive marketing and other marketing models from the Internet of things era, so that we understand the Internet of things, Also understand the Internet of things under the millet house.

Keywords: Xiaomi House, Internet of things era, Xiaomi Ecology, network brand community marketing, Xiaomi interactive marketing, etc.


一、绪论 1

(一)研究背景、意义、现状和发展趋势 1

1、研究背景 1

2、 研究意义 1

(二) 研究方法和对象 2

(三) 研究框架 2

二、 概念及相关理论 3

(一) 物联网 3

1、物联网概念 3

2、物联网发展的基本条件 3

3、物联网发展的规律及影响 3

(二) 国内小米营销研究 4

1、生态系统 4

2、虚拟社区 4

3、社交媒体 5

4、口碑营销 5

三、小米之家发展现状 7

(一)、小米之家的商业模式革新 7

1、商业模式 7

2、盈利模式 7

3、小米革新 7

(二)、小米之家代表产品 9

(三)、小米之家作用 9

四、小米之家SWOT分析 11

(一)、优势 11

(1)价格优势 11

(2)渠道优势 11

(二)、劣势 11

(1)公司起步晚,市场接受度不高 11

(2)技术受到很大力度的限制 12

(3)供货不足 12

(4)缺乏产品供应链以及掌控能力 12

(三)、机会 12

(1)国内巨大的手机市场 12

(2)物联网时代的到来 12

(四)、威胁 13

(1)市场竞争激烈 13

(2)负面舆论的压力 13

五、小米之家营销策略研究 14

(一)采取高性价比定价策略 14