



Movie marketing present situation and problems in China

Abstract:The success or failure of a movie not only lies in the movie itself, but also relies on excellent marketing. At present, China's movie marketing is still at a relatively low level. This article analyzes the current status of domestic movie marketing and points out current issues.In the macro environment, the government has introduced a number of policies to support the development of the film industry. The influx of large amounts of capital also made it easier for a movie to come out. However, in the era of content being king, the story of Chinese commercial films is still thin and lacks innovation. The movie producers do not pay enough attention to the quality of the film, the target audience's positioning is not clear, the interaction between the movie distribution and the audience is poor, and the post-film market development is lagging behind, making domestically produced films difficult to claim on the world stage. This article believes that there is a need to strengthen the linkage and integration of marketing between the producer and the issuer, and to focus on and improve the quality of the film. Starting from the consumer demand of the audience, choose the best marketing platform and marketing methods, establish a film IP brand and improve the industrial chain. In the international film industry for the Chinese film won a place.

Key word:film marketing;marketing environment;marketing platform;marketing methods;problems

目 录

绪论 1

一、研究背景 1

二、研究目的和意义 1

三、国内外研究现状和发展趋势 2

第一章 国内电影营销环境 3

第一节 电影产业大环境——政策与资本 3

第二节 电影产业自身的迅速发展 4

第三节 电影技术的进步 5

第四节 电影观众的日趋成熟理性 6

第二章 电影营销平台和营销方式的多元化 8

第一节 营销平台的多元化 8

(一)传统媒体营销 8

(二)新媒体营销 9

第二节 营销方式的多样性 11

(一)从消费者角度开展的营销 11

(二)电影发行方面的营销 12

(三)其他营销方式 13

第三章 现阶段电影营销存在的问题 14

第一节 出品方与发行方缺乏联动 14

(一)缺乏有力的票价优惠活动 14

(二)广告植入泛滥 14

(三)对粉丝资源的忽视 14

(四)恶性票房竞争 14

第二节 影片定位不明 15

(一)受众定位 15

(二)内容定位 15

第三节 忽视影片质量 16

(一)剧情质量差 16

(二)电影绿幕技术的滥用 17

第四节 电影宣发上的失误 17

(一)对纸媒传播平台的忽视 17

(二)档期意识有待加强 17

第五节 缺乏品牌营销意识 18

第四章 电影营销对策探讨 19

第一节 加强联动,整合营销 19