


关键词:社会工作者 就业现状 就业困境

A Study on the Employment Situation and Problems of Social Workers Mainly social workers in Shanghai

Abstract:With the rapid increase of social problems and the intensification of social contradictions, the social work industry is gradually rising, and the demand for social workers is also increasing. Social work plays an important role in promoting the development of the whole society, but social work is still in the development stage in China. The problems of social workers in the process of employment are constantly appearing, and these problems have not been paid attention to by the government and the society. Become a professional research field. This is precisely the key to the balance of acid and base in the society as a whole. Based on the social workers in Shanghai, this paper investigates the satisfaction of the employment situation and the employment dilemma of the social workers. This paper mainly evaluates the effectiveness of the report by questionnaire, and combines the contents of the research on social work at home and abroad, summarizes and absorbs the achievements of the research, screens out the employment problems of social workers, and puts forward the corresponding solutions. For the future social work how to better improve and further explore lay the foundation.

Keywords:Social workers,Status of employment,Employment difficulties


1研究背景 4

2文献综述 7

2.1社会工作基本概念 7

2.2社会工作者就业现状的相关研究 7

2.3社会工作者就业困境影响因素的相关研究 9

3理论框架和研究方法 11

3.1理论框架 11

(一)社工从业者 11

(二)工作满意度 12

(三)工作满意度的影响因素 13

3.2研究方法 14

4数据分析 16

4.1样本的基本情况 16

4.2社工从业人员的就业现状因素分析 16

(一)工作意愿满意度分析 17

(二)薪资待遇满意度分析 19

4.3社工从业人员的就业困境因素分析 20

(一)个人职业发展阻隔因素分析 20

(二)行业发展阻隔因素分析 21

4.4社工从业人员择业意愿的整合性分析 22

5结论和建议 23

5.1结论 24

5.2建议 24

(一)优化晋升体系,提供发展平台 25

(二)完善薪酬制度,提升福利水平 25

(三)建立培训机制,推动人才建设 26

(四)提高社会认知,増强社会支持 26

6参考文献 28



20世纪50年代以前,社会工作就已传入中国,直到1987年北京大学首次开设了社会工作与管理专业,才开始真正意义上的社会工作专业化教育,这标志着社会工作服务在中国内地开始盛兴。2006年10月,中国开始重视社会工作人才建设,十六届六中全会《决定》,提出要“建设宏大的社会工作人才队伍” 。2008年6月,中国首次举办了“中国社会工作者职业资格认证考试”,从此社会工作走向了职业化的道路。以上文件的颁布无一不证明社会工作的建设逐渐受到政府的重视,以及社会工作对构建社会主义和谐社会的重要性。