关键词: 公众参与;上海;优秀历史建筑;保护
Public participation in the protection of Shanghai's outstanding historical buildings
Abstract: In China, public participation in the protection of cultural heritage has attracted attention in recent years. However, due to its late development, compared to the history of foreign public participation in cultural heritage protection for more than 160 years, China’s public participation in cultural heritage protection there is a big gap. At present, the development of public participation in the protection of cultural heritage in China and foreign countries is also very different. Western developed countries, their public participation is initiated by the people themselves, but in our country is a top-down protection model in which the government leads all cultural heritage protection work and then the public participates. But in the process of the actual protection work, the public participation is very low, which greatly affects the development of the protection of cultural heritage. This problem is also a problem encountered in the protection of the outstanding historical buildings in Shanghai. This project mainly analyzes some problems existing in Shanghai’s public participation in the protection of outstanding historical buildings through specific cases, and compares and summarizes the successful experiences of foreign developed countries in the public participation in cultural heritage protection work, making the public Participate in the protection of excellent historic buildings in Shanghai to make better suggestions.
Keywords: Public participation; outstanding historical buildings; Shanghai; protection
目录 iii
一、绪论 1
(一) 选题背景 1
(二) 研究目的与意义 3
1、 研究目的 3
2、 研究意义 3
(三) 研究综述 3
1、 国外公众参与文化遗产保护研究综述 3
2、 国内公众参与文化遗产保护研究综述 3
(四) 研究方法 4
(五) 论文结构 4
二、公众参与 5
(一) 公众参与的概念 5
(二) 公众参与的主体 5
(三) 公众参与的方式 5
(四) 小结 6
三、上海市公众参与优秀历史建筑保护现状分析 7
(一) 上海市公众参与优秀历史建筑保护现状 7
(二) 上海市公众参与优秀历史建筑保护中存在的问题 7
1、 政府主导作用不明显 7
2、 团体组织力量薄弱 8
3、 公众参与度不高 8
4 、媒体宣传力度不足 8
(三) 小结 9
四、国外公众参与文化遗产保护分析 10
(一) 国外公众参与文化遗产保护的历史 10
(二) 国外公众参与文化遗产保护的特点 11
1、 自下而上的文化遗产保护模式 11
2、 民众自发参与到文化遗产保护 11