

摘要:随着民俗旅游的发展,“文化真实性”问题意义重大并得到了学界的关注。然而,关于“文化真实性”的探索迄今为止并没有明确统一的研究视角和平衡点。基于此,文章从民俗旅游开发的角度对“文化真实性”问题进行研究,并深刻剖析“文化真实性”的内涵,分析民俗旅游开发与“文化真实性”开发存在的矛盾得出在民俗旅游开发中最为严重的“文化真实性”问题就是开发中的利益相关者对“文化真实性”认知不一致所导致的文化失真。最后,文章根据利益相关者在民俗旅游开发中的现状、地位、利益诉求等因素,为解决 “文化真实性”问题提出相应对策。


The Study of the “Authenticity of Culture” Issue during the Development of Folkloric Travel

Abstract:With the development of folkloric travel, the “Authenticity of Culture” issue is of great significance and has been paid a lot of attention in educational circles. However, so far there haven’t been definite and unified research perspectives and agreement in the exploration of the “Authenticity of Culture.” The paper studies the “Authenticity of Culture” issue from the aspect of the development of folkloric travel, deeply dissects the connotations of the “Authenticity of Culture,” and analyzes the existing contradictions between the development of folkloric travel and the development of the “Authenticity of Culture.” It concludes that the most serious issue of the “Authenticity of Culture” is that the stakeholders in the development have different perceptions of the “Authenticity of Culture,” which leads to the distortion of culture. Finally, based on the current situation, status, and interest demands of the stakeholders during the development of folkloric travel, the paper provides corresponding countermeasures for solving the issue of the “Authenticity of Culture.”

Keywords: culture; folk tourism development; authenticity; stakeholder

目  录

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1 相关概念界定和国内外旅游真实性研究概况 1

1.1 旅游活动中“文化真实性”概念 1

1.2 国外旅游真实性研究概况 2

1.3 国内旅游真实性研究概况 3

1.4 研究总结 3

2 民俗旅游中文化真实性的内涵与特征 4

2.1 民俗旅游中文化真实性的内涵 4

2.2 民俗旅游中文化真实性的特征 5

3 文化真实性对民俗旅游发展的意义 5

3.1 文化真实性有利于民俗旅游的可持续发展 6

3.2 文化真实性有利于协调利益相关者的关系 7

4 民俗旅游开发中“文化真实性”问题的产生及影响 7

4.1 基于利益相关者角度分析文化失真原因 7

4.2 民俗旅游开发对文化真实性的影响 10

5 民俗旅游开发与文化真实性开发存在的矛盾 11

5.1 民俗旅游开发使民俗文化具有商业化的色彩 11

5.2 民俗旅游开发的类民俗与文化真实性 12

6 民俗旅游开发中维护文化真实性的措施 13

6.1 政府措施 13

6.2 旅游开发商 14

6.3 当地居民 15

6.4 旅游者 16

结论 17

致谢 18

参考文献 19


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