


关键词: 农村特困人员;社会救助;兜底;脱贫;改进

Research on Social Relief of Rural Difficulties: Taking Anhui Province as an Example

Abstract: Under the combined influence of the urban-rural dualistic system, market economy, national policies, and regional resource restrictions, the gap between urban and rural areas and between regions in China is increasing. The extremely poor people in the countryside are at the bottom of the entire society. Their own identity features destined that they need social assistance most. Social assistance is the last "safety net" in social security, and it plays a protective role for the entire society. The aid to the extremely poor people reflects the protection of human rights, protects their right to existence and safeguards the stability of society. However, there are still many deficiencies in the rescue of such people. There are still many areas for improvement. There is still a long way to go to achieve the goal of poverty-stricken people in rural areas, sustainable development, and satisfaction of material and spiritual life.

Keywords: rural special hardship; social assistance; pocket; poverty alleviation; improvement


1 绪论 1

1.1 选题背景及研究意义 1

1.1.1 选题背景 1

1.1.2 研究意义 2

1.2 国内外对课题相关的认知与做法 2

1.2.1 国外的认知与做法 2

1.2.2 国内的相关认知 3

1.3 研究方法与思想 4

1.4 研究内容 4

1.5 创新与不足 5

2 我国农村特困人员供养制度问题 6

2.1 特困人员概念由来 6

2.2 五保制度的发展历史 6

2.2.1 集体经济时期 6

2.2.2 村提留乡统筹时期 7

2.2.3 农村税费改革时期 7

2.2.4 农业税废止后时期 7

2.3 五保户供养制度的问题 7

2.4 全国的特困人员状况 8

3 社会救助制度的相关理论分析 9

3.1 社会救助制度的基本概念 9

3.2 社会救助的理论支持 9

3.3 社会救助在扶贫、反贫方面的作用 9

3.4 社会救助目前存在的一些问题 10

3.4.1 没有统一的组织机构 10

3.4.2 缺乏严谨的,全面的法律制度 10

4 安徽省农村特困人员社会救助现状分析 11

4.1 安徽省基本情况概述 11

4.1.1 区位概述 11

4.1.2 经济概况 11

4.1.3 人口与社会概况 12

4.2 研究安徽省的意义 12

4.3 农村特困人员社会救助现状 13

4.3.1 特困人员人数及救助标准 13

4.3.2 总体纲领 13

4.3.3 脱贫行动 13

4.3.4 具体案例分析 14

4.3.5 政策鼓励 15

4.4 农村特困人员社会救助存在的问题 15

4.4.1 农村社会救助体系不健全,缺乏完善的法律体系 15

4.4.2 特困人员认定困难,不公平情况严重 15

4.4.3 救助供养形式单调,关注不当 16

4.4.4 基层干部不足,监管有待加强 16

4.4.5 社会参与不足 16

4.5 相关的建议 17

4.5.1 对特困人员构成方面详细划分,分类救助 17

4.5.2 寻找特困人员创收渠道 17

4.5.3 开展多方式供养,加强集中供养 17

4.5.4 开展智能化供养 18

4.5.5 动员社会力量参与,增加并加强相关工作人员专业能力 18