




关键词: 审计;岗位;薪资;

Analysis on the Recruitment of Audit Posts and Factors Affecting Salary

Abstract:With the continuous development of Internet technology and the advent of the Internet era, we can find out what we want to know at any time in the face of countless information and content in the Internet environment. You can also grab what you need from the Internet. For us who are about to face the job search, the amount of information in all kinds of job search websites is so large that we can not simply sort out the content we need to understand the situation of a post.

Therefore, through the research of data mining and data analysis for a large number of audit positions and the main factors affecting the salary situation of the major job search websites, this paper draws a certain corresponding relationship and relationship. To provide relevant theoretical data support for the future job search, so that everyone can intuitively understand the factors that have a greater impact on salary, the current market demand for jobs, and the industry situation. Aim at this series of questions to adjust their own learning goals, position goals and job search direction.

This paper is pided into five chapters, respectively with the description of the background significance of the article outline, the current market research status and the background description, data excerpts and the corresponding statistical description of data analysis to form a preliminary inference. The data modeling is further inferred by a deeper and more accurate model analysis, and the conclusions and corresponding suggestions are summarized in the final chapter.



目  录

一、 概述 1

(一) 研究背景及意义 1

(二) 研究内容与框架 1

(三) 研究创新方法 2

二、 背景 3

(一) 目前大学生就业状况 3

(二) 审计岗位专业发展 3

(三) 数据分析方法及发展 5

三、 数据获取及处理 7

(一) 样本选择与数据来源 7

(二) 描述性统计分析 8

(三) 薪资影响因素初步分析 9

1. 工作年限因素对于薪资影响分析 9

2. 公司性质及行业对于薪资影响分析 10

3. 不同地域对于岗位招聘需求量影响分析 13

4. 岗位描述要求分析 14

(四) 描述性分析小结 15

四、 建模分析 17

(一) 样本选择与变量定义 17

1. 样本选择 17

2. 变量定义 18

(二) 线性回归模型 19

1. 线性回归介绍分析 19

2. 线性回归分析结果 19