


Abstract:In the past two decades, the development and construction of tourist attractions in many ancient towns in Zhejiang Province has been rapid, and the positive and negative impacts of tourism development on the local economy, social culture, and ecological environment have also appeared. An important part of the tourism destination is community residents, which are gradually considered as the core part of tourism products in tourism development. Therefore, the influence of community residents on tourism development is the most profound. This topic takes Hangzhou Tangxi Ancient Town as a case study area, and collects data by conducting questionnaire surveys and field interviews with local community residents to conduct an in-depth analysis of tourism development in Tangxi Ancient Town, focusing on the study of tourism development on the economic and social culture of Tangxi Ancient Town. , the impact of the three aspects of the ecological environment, to explore the impact of tourism development on the local community residents, and the corresponding countermeasures, in order to be able to explore the future development direction of Tangxi tourism, development methods have a certain guiding significance, and promote the ancient town sustainable tourism development.

关键词:塘栖; 古镇旅游开发; 社区居民; 旅游影响; 建议

Keywords: Tangxi; tourism development in ancient towns; community residents; tourism impact, Suggestions


一、 绪论 4

(一) 塘栖旅游的发展历史和开发现状 4

(二) 本课题的研究方法和国内外研究进展 4

1. 研究方法 4

2. 国内外研究进展 4

(三) 研究背景及意义 6

1. 研究背景 6

2. 研究意义 6

二、 数据处理及分析 6

(一) 被调查社区居民基本情况及分析 6

(二) 旅游开发对塘栖的经济影响研究 7

(三) 旅游开发对塘栖社会文化的影响研究 7

(四) 旅游开发对塘栖生态环境的影响研究 8

三、 可行性建议 8

(一) 鼓励当地居民从事旅游业,提升社区居民在社区旅游开发建设中的参与度 8

(二) 保护和开发有机结合,保护旅游资源的完整性和真实性 9

(三) 科学合理规划景区,提高接待社区生活质量,实现居民区和景区的相互融合 9

(四) 转变景区经营模式 9

四、 总结 9

一、 绪论

(一) 塘栖旅游的发展历史和开发现状

塘栖,它坐落于杭州东北近郊,本是一个相对繁华市区比较偏僻的古镇,因为明代运河改道的原因,京杭大运河横穿塘栖而过,一时之间塘栖镇声名远播,成为繁华的商贸小城镇 。据历史记载,五百多年前,一名定居于此的大商人,为方便古镇村民出行而广散财帛,在京杭大运河上修筑起屹立至今的广济桥,它跨越运河,连接运河南北两岸,方便了交通贸易的同时,也为塘栖在历史上留下了珍贵的建筑遗产。现今,古老的石桥依旧静静的守护着古镇的宁静,在时光的冲刷下,那抹江南风味依旧如故,古街、石桥、运河都成了塘栖的瑰宝,为古镇旅游开发提供了源动力。塘栖古镇传承历史文化,并在此基础上结合现代科学技术,既着重古镇资源开发,又注重坚持科学可持续的管理方法,凭借着运河古镇的天然资源优势,因地制宜,近年来吸引了杭州市及其周边地区大批游客的目光。