摘 要:作为一个统一的多民族国家,我国的每个民族都有着独特的民族文化,随着我国经济和社会的快速发展,各民族间交流日益频繁,在这种时代背景之下,各少数民族的认同既有逐渐加强,也有日渐衰弱,但大部分民族文化认同正处于减弱趋势中。本文以彝族大学生对其传统节日——火把节的认同现状为研究对象,通过调查其认知、参与情况以分析彝族大学生的认同发展趋势,发现当代彝族大学生对火把节的认同感较弱,以及不同成长环境下学生的节日认同的差异。并从文化多元化、社会城市化、经济发展和行政因素这几个方面分析环境对认同感的影响,最后就如何提高少数民族大学生的民族文化认同这一问题提出经济、政治、文化三大社会环境建设上的对策。
Our country is a unified multiethnic and multi-cultural country, each nation has its unique national culture. With the rapid economic and social growth and the development of science and technology in our country, exchanges among ethnic groups are becoming more and more frequent,But most of the national cultural identity is weakening. This paper takes Yi college students as an object of study to identify their traditional festivals Torch Festival,Through the investigation of their cognition and participation, the trend of identification and development of the Yi college students is analyzed. It is found that the contemporary Yi students are weak in the torch festival and the differences in the students' holiday identity under different growth conditions. And from the aspects of cultural persity, social urbanization, economic development and administrative factors, this paper analyzes the influence of the environment on the identity of identity, and finally puts forward the Countermeasures on how to improve the ethnic cultural identity of the minority college students in the three social environment construction.
关键字:彝族学生: 民族认同: 环境影响: 环境建构
Key words: Yi students; national identity; environment impact;environment construction
一、绪论 5
(一)选题背景 5
(二)文献综述 5
(三)研究意义与目的 7
(四)研究方法 7
(五)内容确定 8
二、调查结果分析 9
(一)了解与认知 9
(二)行动及参与 10
(三)态度与情感 10
(四)成长环境与信息来源 12
四、民族节日认同感弱化的原因 14
(一)多元文化及现代化技术的双重夹击 14
(二)城市化进程加快民族节日难生存 16
(三)经济落后背景下的民族节日发展无支撑 17
(四)缺乏行政支持 18
五、提高民族节日认同感的对策 18
(一)增强少数民族地区经济发展实力 18
(二)强化少数民族地区文化发展的政策支持力度 19
(三)重视少数民族地区的文化建设 20
六、结语 22
附录 24