摘要:在学前儿童的成长过程中有两个没有办法被替代的教育资源—— 家庭因素和幼儿园教育因素是影响幼儿身心健康发展的两个最大的因素,这两个重要因素对幼儿产生的影响必须是方向一致的。同步调才能达到最好的效果。家庭教育对学前儿童的成长起着极其重要的作用,大多数幼儿的家长已经渐渐认识到了学前儿童家庭教育在幼儿成长过程中的影响。在本次调查研究中笔者运用了文献法、问卷调查法、访谈法和观察法对周口市某幼儿园对家庭教育指导的现状进行调查研究。笔者通过调查研究发现,还有许多幼儿家长往往由于缺乏家庭教育经验,在进行幼儿家庭教育时常常感到力不从心。笔者总结了该地区幼儿园对家庭教育指导中产生的问题,并提出相应的建议,使幼儿园对家庭教育的指导跟加完善。
Investigation on Current Situation of Kindergarten Guidance to Family Education--Take a Kindergarten of Zhoukou for Example
Abstract: There is no way to be replaced by two educational resources in the growing process of pre-school children- family factors and kindergarten factors. The two are the biggest factors that affect children's physical and mental health, and the impact of the two important factors must be the same direction in order to achieve the best results. Family Education plays a vital role in the growth of pre-school children, and most parents have come to realize the impacts. This thesis uses Documentary method, Questionnaire method, Interview and Observation method to investigate the current situation of family education guidance,take a kindergarten in Zhoukou City for example. Through the survey, we found that many parents often feel powerless during early childhood family education due to lack of family education experience. The author summarized the problem of family education in this district and make recommendations accordingly, so that the kindergarten guidance to the family education will be better.
Key words: Kindergarten; Family Education; Educational guidance
目 录
摘要 2
Abstract 2
一、幼儿园对家庭教育指导概述 3
(一)幼儿园家庭教育的概念 3
(二)幼儿园对家庭教育的指导的概述 3
(三) 幼儿园对家庭教育指导的重要性 3
二、幼儿园对家庭教育指导的现状调查分析 3
(一)幼儿家庭情况调查分析 3
(二)家长对幼儿园指导的配合程度 4
(三)家长对幼儿园工作的支持率 5
三、幼儿园指导家庭教育中存在的问题及成因分析 5
(一)幼儿家长传统的教育观念有待转变 5
(二)幼儿园的指导的内容不够全面 5
(三)幼儿园对家庭教育的指导时间安排不合理 6
(四)幼儿园缺乏更加专业的指导人员 6
四、幼儿园对家庭教育的指导的建议如下 6
(一)转变幼儿家长传统的教育观念 7
(二)幼儿园应丰富指导内容 7
(三)幼儿园对家庭教育的指导形式应多样化 7
(四)提高指导者的专业水平 7
参考文献 8
附录 9
致谢 1