


关键词  物流地产  SWOT分析  网络营销  电子平台  

毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

Title  Research on the Design of Network Marketing System of H Company  

Abstract:With the development of China's economy and society, the national economic income and cultural level of continuous improvement, the level of public consumption of online shopping and the steady growth of purchasing power, China's logistics real estate development also maintained a high-speed growth. At the same time, the rapid development of the information age has also led to the development of network economy, network marketing has become the best choice for future real estate enterprises publicity. In this context, the real estate business should pay attention to the times under the environment of the network marketing issues, the study of market rules to the network marketing management to the strategic level of enterprise development, and to market demand for the purpose of developing the appropriate network marketing strategy. In this paper, H company as the research object, by analyzing the future development direction of the industry and the actual situation of the company to find out the problems in network marketing, the use of SWOT analysis, development of enterprise and market development for network marketing program, design a logistics real estate industry Of the e-commerce trading platform, including financial support, warehouse matching, integrated services three plates, in order to enhance the H's market competitiveness for the company's stable survival and long-term development escort.

Keywords  Logistics estate  Agency SWOT  network marketing  Electronic platform

目   次

1 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景及意义 1

1.2研究目的和方法 1

1.3研究主要内容 2

2 网络营销相关理论和方法概述 3

2.1网络营销理论 3

2.2物流地产概述 3

2.3 SWOT分析法 4

3 H公司内外部环境分析 5

3.1行业市场现状及发展 5

3.2竞争对手和客户分析 6

3.3 H公司网络营销现状  8

4 H公司网络营销问题分析 10

4.1市场营销网络不健全  10

4.2公司制度不完善 11

4.3 H公司网络营销SWOT分析 12

5 H公司网络营销方案设计  13

5.1建立完善的电子商务平台  13

5.2制定科学合理网络营销策略  14

5.3完善公司制度 15

结论 17

致谢 18



1 绪论

1.1  研究背景及意义
