



Research on Influence Factors of Personal Fitness Coach Service Selection and Marketing Countermeasures

Abstract:With the increasing improvement of social life quality of, people didn’t pay attention to basic food, clothing, shelter and other aspects. More and more people begin to realize the importance of physical health. Personal trainer service, in mass fitness consumption and physical exercise activities engaged in fitness guidance, knowledge and skills teaching and other activities, with its personal, customized and other characteristics, attracted a large number of consumers. In view of this social phenomenon, on the basis of summarizing the relevant concepts and literature, and on the basis of 4Cs theory, this paper constructs a theoretical model of influencing factors for personal fitness trainer service selection. Under the guidance of this model, the questionnaire survey shows that "customer needs", "easy communication" and "professional skills", this three factors play the most important roles in the choice of "private coach service". Then, this model was used to investigate and analyze the organization: Sport Private Fitness Studio. Finally, based on the above theoretical model, research results and case analysis, four suggestions were put forward: (1) to understand and guide consumers’ expectations; (2) to put focus on the communication of members, and improve the satisfaction degree; (3) to improve the quality of private coach from ability and morals; (4) to take management and operation seriously, and lift performance-price ratio.

KeyWords: personal fitness coach service; selection influence factor; marketing countermeasure; 4Cs theory; Sport Private Fitness Studio


一、绪论 1

(一) 研究背景 1

(二) 文献综述 2

二、中国健身市场发展现状 4

(一) 发展历史:起步较晚,发育不足 4

(二) 地域布局:东高西低,形式多样 5

(三) 产业支持:政策利好,推动发展 7

(四) 需求规模:快速成长,潜力巨大 10

(五) 供给创新:教练核心,运动定制 12

1、 健身工作室快速涌现 12

2、 探索新型的运作模式 13

三、消费者私教健身服务的影响因素模型 15

(一) 4C理论的内容 15

(二) 私教健身服务选择的影响因素 16

1、 顾客需求 17

2、 购买成本 17

3、 地点便利 17

4、 易于沟通 17

5、 个人魅力 18

6、 专业技能 18

四、上海私教健身服务需求现状的调研 19

(一) 问卷的设计 19

1、 问卷说明 19

2、 变量测量 20

3、 预调研及前测结果 20

(二) 样本的选择与回收 20

1、 抽样方式 20

2、 问卷回收 20