关键词: 小米公司;SWOT分析;营销策略
Research on the Marketing Strategies of Xiaomi Company
Abstract:Since its establishment, its smart phone with high quality and low price has caused a great stir in China's mobile phone market. Beijing millet technology limited liability company's hunger marketing strategy and light asset model opened up a new development path. But the rapid growth period of China's smartphone users is over. The speed of changing the new machine in the domestic high-end user market is gradually slowing down, and the demand of the low end user market is not high, so the market of Chinese smart phone is not optimistic. Through the analysis of the current situation of the mobile phone market industry and millet company, this paper seeks to find the advantages and disadvantages of millet company. At the same time, it studies the development and marketing strategy of millet company, so as to supplement the disadvantages and explore an innovative road suitable for its future development.
Key Words:Xiaomi Company;SWOT analysis;Marketing Strategy
1 绪论 1
1.1 研究的背景和意义 1
1.1.1研究背景 1
1.1.2研究的意义 1
1.2研究的主要内容和方法 1
1.2.1研究内容 1
1.2.2研究方法 2
2相关理论综述 2
2.1SWOT分析法 2
2.2 4PS营销理论 3
2.2.1 4Ps营销理论的起源 3
2.2.2 麦卡锡的4Ps营销理论 3
2.3饥饿营销 3
3中国手机市场行业分析 4
3.1国内手机市场发展现状 4
3.2国内手机市场品牌竞争格局 4
4小米公司的发展现状分析 6
4.1小米公司简介 6
4.2小米手机的SWOT分析 9
4.2.1小米的竞争优势 9
4.2.2小米的竞争劣势 10
4.2.3小米的机会 12
4.2.4小米的威胁 12
4.2.5 总结 13
5小米营销策略分析 14
5.1小米手机的4P营销策略 14
5.1.1产品策略 14
5.1.2定价策略 14
5.1.3渠道策略 14
5.1.4促销策略 14
5.2小米公司的营销策略优化 15
5.2.1饥饿营销是一把双刃剑 15
5.2.2线下渠道薄弱 16
5.2.3注重打造品牌形象 16
5.2.4强化小米手机的服务文化 16
6研究结论 17
致谢 18
参考文献 18
附录:调查问卷 19
1 绪论
1.1 研究的背景和意义