关键词 周边绩效评价 任务绩效评价绩 效评估结果公平感
毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
Title Research on Contextual Performance Evaluations
Abstract:In the era of increasingly flat organization, contextual performance has contributed significantly to the overall performance of the organization,it is necessary to incorporate contextual performance into the performance evaluation system. Effective management of contextual performance must be based on an effective evaluation. Related research shows that ratee's justice perceptions in performance evaluation is an important measure of the effectiveness of performance evaluation. Based on the analyzing and summarizing the literature on the contextual performance, the justice perceptions in performance evaluation and the relationship between the two, the data were obtained by questionnaire survey, and the descriptive statistical analysis, independent-samples t test, correlation and regression analysis were carried out by using the SPSS24.0. So as to explore whether the inclusion of contextual performance in the performance evaluation system will affect the ratee's justice perceptions. In particular, analyze whether the differences in gender and job level lead to differences in the justice perceptions of contextual performance evaluation. Followed are the main conclusions: The inclusion of contextual performance in the performance evaluation system has a positive impact on the ratee's justice perceptions;When the contextual performance is included in the performance evaluation system, the justice perceptions in performance evaluation of the female ratees are higher than those of the male ratees, and the justice perceptions in performance evaluation of the management ratees are higher than those of the employee ratees.
Keywords Contextual Performance Evaluation Task Performance Evaluation Distributive Justice Perceptions in Performance Evaluations
目 次
1 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的 1
1.3 研究的创新点 2
1.4 研究方法与结构安排 2
2 文献综述 4
2.1 周边绩效研究的文献综述 4
2.2 绩效评估公平感研究的文献综述 6
2.3 绩效评估公平感与周边绩效的关系研究评述 7
3 研究设计 8
3.1 变量的界定与测量 8
3.2 研究假设 10
3.3 问卷设计与收集情况 11
4 实证分析 13
4.1 描述性统计分析 13
4.2 信度与效度检验 15
4.3 相关分析 20
4.4 回归分析 22
4.5 统计学变量的差异性分析 23
5 研究结论与建议 26