摘 要:随着农村的“裁校并点”、家长工作岗位的频繁调动等,小学生转学的现象渐渐变得频繁。小学生正处于身心发展的关键期,转到陌生的班级,对班级缺乏归属感,不利于少年儿童的成长,因此本文采用观察法、访谈法对周口市新民小学三年级转校生的班级归属感进行研究,从班级、教师、个人以及社会等五个影响因素来分析,并在此基础上提出培养转校生班级归属感的建议,希望可以为广大小学教师在培养转校生班级归属感的过程中提供一些借鉴。
Primary school grade three transfer student class to the cultivation of the sense of belonging
—— Xin Min primary school grade three transfer student
Abstract:Today, social mobility is unusually heavy and complicated, along with the rural "cut school and gather them together", parents' jobs shift frequently,so primary transfer phenomenon are becoming more and more frequent. Primary students are in the crucial period of physical and mental development, transferred to the strange school classes, the lack of a sense of belonging to the class and grade can produce complex psychology which is not conducive to children's growth, so this article uses observation method, interview method, literature method to research zhoukou xinmin the third grade transfer students' class belonging ,to analyze from the following five influencing factors:their own classes,teachers, inpiduals and society and based on these to raise the suggestion of cultivating transfer students'class belonging , wish that can help primary school teachers in the process of training transfer students'class belonging to provide some reference.
Key words: Transfer student; Primary school students; The sense of belonging; The sense of belonging status quo; advice
目 录
摘要 1
Abstract 1
一、 小学三年级转校生班级归属感调查设计 2
(一)调查目的 2
(二)调查对象 2
(三)调查方法 2
(三)调查过程 2
二、小学三年级转校生班级归属感的现状分析 3
(一)班级缺乏吸引和支持 3
(二)教师缺乏耐心和关心 3
(三)家长与孩子缺乏沟通 4
(四)同伴缺乏热心和帮助 4
(五)个人态度与认知不当 5
三、小学三年级转校生班级归属感培养的建议 5
(一)班级对转校生的支持与满足 5
(二)教师对转校生的关怀和关注 6
(三)家长对转校生的尊重与帮助 8
(四)同伴对转校生的接纳和友谊 8
(五)个体对新班级的认知与心态 9
参考文献 10
附录I 10
附录II 12
致谢 13