The Present Situation and Analysis of 4-5 Years Old Children's Listening Ability——A Place Whice X Kindergarten in Zheng Zhou
Abstract: Listening is the behavior of children's perception and understanding of language, for children's language learning and development, listening is an indispensable ability, you just only understand listening, be good at listening, and willing to listen, so, you can really understand the language content, mastering the method of language communication skills. Therefore, we must attach importance to the young children's listening habits and ability to cultivate, guiding the child to learn to be a willing to listen and good listener, to lay a good foundation for the development of infant language. Through observing the analysis of the status quo of infants listening in every link of x kindergarten, this paper expounds the class development of infant listening ability and the practical problems in the listening ability of the young children, find out effective strategies to improve the listening ability of young children.
Keywords:Infants in middle class; Listening ability; Current situation;Strategy
目 录
摘要 1
Abstract 1
一、4-5岁幼儿倾听能力内涵及其培养的重要性 2
(一)倾听的含义及作用 2
(二)4-5岁幼儿倾听能力培养的重要性 2
二、4-5岁幼儿倾听能力发展现状 2
(一)幼儿倾听意识 3
(二)幼儿倾听中的理解辨析能力 3
(三)幼儿倾听习惯 4
三、幼儿倾听能力发展的影响因素 4
(一)幼儿身心发展特点 4
(二)幼儿不良倾听习惯 5
(三)教师不重视幼儿倾听能力的培养 5
(四)父母的消极榜样作用 6
四、改善幼儿倾听能力的有效策略 6
(一)激发幼儿倾听的兴趣 6
(二)以游戏形式培养幼儿的倾听能力 7
(三)教师以身示范培养幼儿良好的倾听习惯 7
(四)家园一致共同培养幼儿倾听能力 8
参考文献 8
附录Ⅰ 9
附录Ⅱ 10
致谢 11
“倾听”一词的最新解释为:动词,侧着头听。形容很注意地听取。我们国家对学生倾听能力的培养一直很关注,而且一直以来教育家也都在学习生活中强调“听”的重要性。《3-6岁儿童学习与发展指南》在幼儿的倾听方面也做了划分:3-4岁的幼儿能够有意识地倾听别人讲话而且能够有所回应;能听懂日常会话。4-5岁幼儿在集体活动中能够听与自己相关的内容;当语气、语调在情境中有所变化时,能够听出其所表达的不同意思;普通话在方言和少数民族人员集聚的地方幼儿大概能听懂。5-6岁幼儿能在集体中留意听老师或他人所讲;听不懂或有疑问时能主动提问;在情境中对表示因果、假设等一些相对较难的语句有所理解 [1]。我们现在所说的“倾听”,不仅仅是要学生听老师的,而它现在已成为一种获取知识的手段;是人际交流不可或缺的本领;是事业成功的前奏。