



Research on Evaluation of  Human Capital Investment Efficiency in Yangtze River

Abstract:Based on the theory of human capital investment efficiency analysis, this article used the average age of education to calculate the human capital stock level in the Yangtze River Delta from 2001 to 2014, and compared the dynamic changes of human capital level in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai provinces and cities ; then based on the input-oriented DEA-VRS model, education, health care and science and technology expenditure as input indicators, the human capital stock level as the output indicators, calculated the Yangtze River Delta region human capital investment efficiency. The empirical results show that there are significant differences between Shanghai, Zhejiang and Jiangsu from the view of comprehensive efficiency. The comprehensive efficiency of human capital investment in Shanghai is the highest, and the DEA is effective four times during the sample period, which is significantly higher than that of Zhejiang and Jiangsu. From the pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency, the advantages of Shanghai are still the most obvious, but the gap between Zhejiang and Jiangsu is shrinking, The main reason for the difference in efficiency of human capital investment in the past is the impact of pure technical efficiency.

Keywords:Yangtze River Delta; human capital stock; human capital investment efficiency; DEA.


0引言 1

1文献综述 1

1.1 国外研究综述 1

1.2 国内研究综述 4

2人力资本相关概念和理论基础 7

2.1 人力资本相关概念 7

2.2 人力资本投资理论基础 8

3长三角地区人力资本存量分析 10

3.1 长三角地区人力资本状况比较 10

3.2 长三角地区人力资本存量估算 13

4 长三角地区人力资本投资效率实证分析 15

4.1人力资本投资效率评价模型 15

4.2 实证结果分析 22

5长三角地区人力资本投资效率的提升策略 26

5.1 合理优化资本结构,调整人力资本投资方向 26

5.2 发挥政府宏观调控,改进投资管理制度 26

5.3 加强区域合作交流,建立灵活的人才流动机制 27

结论与不足 28

致    谢 29

参考文献 30


