江苏省突发事件的网络舆情引导问题与 对策研究

三种类型突发事件,都存在危机演化周期 ( 潜伏期、爆发期、蔓延期、恢复期) ,但是其各个周期持续时间以及周期特征又各不相同



关键词  网络舆情  突发事件  媒体

毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

Title    Research on the Problems and Countermeasures of

 Network Public Opinion in Jiangsu Province      


On the basis of consulting a large number of public opinion research at home and abroad, this paper focuses on the public opinion guidance on emergencies such as natural disasters, accident disasters and social public events, and takes the three major emergencies in Jiangsu Province as the practical cases. Its key analysis, and finally put forward the corresponding measures.

Firstly, it briefly introduces the research background and significance of the research on public opinion research, and the research contents and methods of this paper, summarizes the development status of the research at home and abroad. And then introduces the elements of public opinion guidance in emergencies, including the main body of public opinion guidance and guidance. Then it is a study of the natural disaster emergencies with "6.23 Yancheng Tornado" as an example. Then it is the study of the accident disaster, which is represented by "8.2 Kunshan Bombing Case". Finally, the study of social public events represented by "Jiangsu college entrance examination".

Keywords  Internet public opinion  Emergencies  Media

目   次

1  引言 1

1.1  研究背景和研究意义 1

1.2  研究方法和研究内容 2

1.3  国内外研究现状 3

2  突发事件中舆论引导的组成元素 5

2.1  舆论引导的主体 5

2.2  舆论引导的渠道 6

3  对自然灾害事件的舆情研究 7

3.1  江苏盐城遭龙卷风袭击事件舆情分析 7

4  8.2昆山工厂爆炸事故舆情分析(事故灾害) 13

4.1  8.2 昆山工厂爆炸事件舆情分析 13

5  对社会公共事件的舆情研究 19

5.1  江苏“高考减招”事件舆情分析 19

结  论 23

致  谢 24

参 考 文 献 25

1  引言

1.1  研究背景和研究意义

1.1.1  研究背景




表1.1 代表性舆情事件汇总

时间 事件

1.2010年10月23日 西安音乐学院大三学生药家鑫驾驶小轿车撞伤张妙后对其连捅数刀致其死亡,事件在微博曝光后迅速掀起热潮[1]。

2. 2011年6月23日 “郭美美baby”在微博炫富,自称是“中国红十字会商业总经理”,激起了博友们的愤怒和质疑,由此迅速揭发了中国红十字会的三大“原罪”[1]。公益慈善机构官办、不透明、商业化。