关键词: 上海;城市社区;社区卫生服务
Difficulties in medical resources, or the concept of medical treatment? Research on the Construction and Reform of Shanghai Urban Community Health Service System
Abstract: With the continuous development of urban community health services in Shanghai, people have gradually attracted attention in recent years..But at the same time, the process of building and reforming the community health service system in Shanghai has also exposed many problems..As an important part of the health system, community health services provide residents with basic primary health services and are also considered to be the main vehicle for solving the problem of “difficulties in seeing a doctor, irritating a doctor, and being expensive”.However, the above functions, positioning and objectives have not been fully realized.This article believes that whether it is the problem of medical resources or the concept of medical treatment, the two are undoubtedly interactive relations.The predicament of medical resources will lead to errors in the concept of medical treatment, and mistakes in the concept of medical treatment will also lead to the predicament of medical resources.Shanghai has conducted many explorations of the construction and reform of community health service systems and provided certain experience for the development of community health services in China.
Keywords: Shanghai ;Urban community;Community Health Services
目 录
引 言 1
一、 社区卫生服务的相关概念 2
二、 国外的社区卫生服务体系状况 3
三、 上海社区卫生服务体系的发展阶段与状况 5
四、 上海社区卫生服务体系建设存在的问题 7
(一) 医疗的资源问题 7
(二) 医疗的观念问题 8
五、 上海社区卫生服务体系改革的对策建议 10
(一) 加强相关的宣传引导,上下形成合力 10
(二) 实现信息的共享,通畅双向转诊制度 10
(三) 加强人才队伍的建设,完善人才引进和培养的机制 10
(四) 完善绩效考核管理,科学合理分配薪酬 10
(五) 转变服务观念,拓展服务深度 11
六、 总结 12
致 谢 13
参考文献 14
附 录 16
引 言